Chapter 125

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Colleen POV

The resort is perfect. Everyone is having a fantastic time. We even bought a huge canvas gazebo for the beach so everyone can sit under it and avoid the direct sun. Jasmine is sleeping on my chest as I lay in a lounge chair as I watch Josh play with Noah and Lily down by the water with my dad and his dad. Rachel sits down beside me as she smiles at Jasmine. "She is so good" Rachel says. I nod. "She loves the heat" I say. "Kids are having fun" she says. "They love the beach like me. Are you sure you and mom will be okay with the kids while Josh and I go away in a few days?" I ask. "Yes plus we have lots of extra help. We will be fine. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves" she says. I start laughing. "We will" I say giggling. "Ewww gross Colleen. I love him like a brother but enough already. I meant 'your time' together. Oh my god I am going to stop" she says laughing. I see Josh walk up with Noah on his shoulders as Lily sits in my dads arms. "Babe they are tired. Going to take them up to the room. Are you ok with Jasmine?" He asks. "Yes. Are you ok?" I ask. He nods and quietly walks away with them. "He is so quiet lately" I say to Rachel. "I am sure he is fine" she says. "Want a drink?" Rachel asks standing up. "A virgin Caesar" I say smiling. She walks away to the bar as I close my eyes dreaming about my time with my man.

Josh POV

I put the kids down to sleep in our room and I hear a light tap at the door. I look through the peephole and see Rachel. I open it and she slightly smiles as she steps in. "Hey Rach. Whats up?" I say walking away from the door. "When are you calling?" she asks. "Right now" I reply as I grab my cell and sit down. I call the number and my hands are shaking. Rachel comes and sits beside me and holds my hand. "Hi this is Joshua Evans. I am calling for test results from two weeks ago. I am on vacation right now and was told by the doctor that I could phone in for them" I say to the secretary. "Let me pass you over to the doctor" she says. I get put on hold and I put the phone on speaker. "Josh you don't have to do that" Rachel says. "No I need someone else to hear it in case I am not hearing things correctly. My frame of mind right now is a mess" I say. "Josh. You will be fine ok?" she says side hugging me. I nod tearing up. The doctor comes on the line very abruptly. "Joshua?" he says. "Yes" I reply. "I got the results back and its a mixture of good and bad" he says. I gulp. " The cells are abnormal definitely. Whether its cancer or not is not definitive however I would still like you to have treatment" he says. I start to cry. "Okay. Like?" I ask. Rachel is squeezing my hand crying herself. "Only a treatment or two of localized radiation. I will pass you back to my secretary to book it for when you get back. Don't worry Josh we will get this gone" he says as he puts me back on hold. I pass the phone to Rachel as she makes an appointment two days after we get back. I cannot speak anymore. She hangs up and hugs me so tight crying herself. "Josh you need Colleen" she says. I nod. "I am going to get her" she says as she quickly leaves.

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