Chapter 31

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Colleen POV
I am kneeling on the hardwood floor hugging and facing Josh tight. He has his arms wrapped around me while holding a cold cloth on the back of my neck. He is kissing me on my shoulder sweetly. "Colleen I love you baby. You are doing amazing" he whispers loud enough for me to hear it. Its just me and him in our room while everyone else is in the living room. I want to be with him and him only until its time to deliver. He is rubbing my back when I get another contraction. He feels me start to stiffen. He grabs my hands and pulls back to look me in the eyes. "Colleen breathe babe.....It will pass.....So proud of you babe" he says calming me down as tears stream down my face. "Sooo good babe" as my contraction ends. I sigh and sit on the floor leaning against his chest with my back. He is rubbing my belly kissing my head. "Colleen you are so close to having Lily babe. Let Katie come in and check you ok?" He asks. I nod panting. Josh must have texted Katie and Tara because they came right in and sat down on the floor in front of me. Katie reaches inside me and I sob more. "Colleen I am sorry. Has to be done" Katie says sympathetically. "Almost there.... Probably be born in the next hour or two" she says. "Ok we will leave you guys. When you feel the need to push then call us" Katie says and they walk out and close the door. I lay my head back on Joshs shoulder. "What will she look like ?" Josh asks trying to get my mind on something else. "I think you... Blonde hair and blue eyes" I say crying again with another contraction. Josh holds me tight kissing me again but this time he breaks and cries himself. "You are killing me baby seeing you cry" he says. "Its part of the deal. I will be fine like the millions of women who gave birth before me" I say grabbing his wrists screaming. Rachel knocks on the door and I tell her to come in. "Ok sis?" She asks me. "Ya its a party" I say as all of us laugh. I feel another one. "Joshua its time babe. Get Katie. I need to push" I say.

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