Chapter 83

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Josh POV

The next couple of days are tense. We are both upset and scared after the doctors appointment. I hear Colleen put Lily down for her nap as Noah is already sleeping in his room. She plops down on the couch and makes a call on her phone as I pour a coffee. She is talking to a potential nanny. She makes an interview for later that day. We have been interviewing for two days with no luck. She hangs up and walks back down the hall holding her back. I follow her as she walks into our bathroom and starts to fill the bath. "Doing ok?" I ask rubbing her back. She nods and smiles as she takes off her clothes and steps in as I hold her hand making sure she doesn't slip. I lower her in and she sighs. "Think I saw a belly" I say trying to make her smile. She smiles as me and squeezes my hand. "You are so quiet" I say rubbing her cheek. "Morning sickness" she says as she leans back. I grab a wet facecloth and place it on her head. "Love you Colleen" I say leaning down to kiss her. "Love you too" she says. I sit there quietly and wait for her. She literally falls asleep. "Baby come to bed" I say as I wake her up. "What?" She says looking startled. "You fell asleep in the tub" I say laughing. She stands up and steps out to me and a huge towel. I let her dry off and she gets into a onesie. She leans against the counter looking green. "Gonna be sick babe?" I ask. She nods. She drops to her knees and starts to throw up in the toilet. I sit beside her until she is done. "God that feels better" She says. I help her stand up and bring her to bed. I unzip her onesie and click her pump in before she sleeps and let her be.
About 30 minutes later I peek in on her and she is still as a mouse. Its eerie. I walk over to her and her eyes are open as she just looks at me. "Baby?" I say sitting beside her. She just looks at me. I know that look. I run to the kitchen and grab her Glucagon and race back and give her a shot in her thigh as I rub her leg. "Talk to me Colleen... Please"I ask getting upset. I grab my phone to call an ambulance but she stops me. "I am coming out of it babe" she says. "Colleen you are only 8 weeks and you are struggling. Maybe we should terminate the pregnancy babe" I say. She starts to cry. "Just first trimester stuff Josh please" she says hugging me. "Colleen I want the baby too but not if it harms you or kills you in the process babe" I say rubbing her back. "I will rest when we get a nanny ok?" She says. I nod. She walks over to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair getting ready for her interview with a potential nanny. I walk her down the hall and sit her on the couch. I bring over a chicken sandwich and she inhales it. "Hungry babe?" I say smiling. She nods. Just then the doorbell rings and I answer it. "Hi I am Joshua. Come on in" I say. "Hi I am Tricia" she says shaking my hand. She walks in and we walk over to the couch. "This is my beautiful wife Colleen" I say proudly. "Nice to meet you" Colleen smiles. We sit down and talk with her about why we need her and Colleen's super high risk pregnancy. The kids then both wake up on cue so we bring them out to meet her. Lily jumps onto her lap as I hold Noah. Lily loves her. I can tell she would be a perfect fit as Colleen and I both really like her. She tells us she has diabetes as well and understands what Colleen is going through. We tell her we will call her by the end of the day to tell her if she got the job or not. I walk back to the couch after she leaves and snuggle into Colleen. "What did you think? I like her" I ask her. "She is it!" She says.

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