Chapter 100

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Colleen pov

Josh is holding back my knees kissing my neck as I push. "Come on baby" Josh whispers. I scream as I am pushing as Katie is trying to feel for Jasmine. "Colleen a couple more pushes and we are moving out of the tub" Katie says. "Ok" I say. "Josh I love you baby" I say as I lay against his neck exhausted. "Babe I love you. Thank you for having Jasmine. I know you can do it" he says. The words encourage me as I smile briefly before feeling another contraction. He wraps his arms under my knees and rubs my belly. "Thats it Colleen. She is moving fast. She wants out now" Katie says laughing. I look up and see a girl walk in with Tara. She kneels down to me. "Hi Colleen, Josh. I am Dr. Taylor or Sheri. Ready to have a breech baby?" She asks smiling. "No choice" I say screaming once again. She reaches inside me. "She is right there. Lets move her please" the doctor says. Josh stands up and lifts me up and we walk to our bed quickly. "Josh it hurts baby" I cry. He lays me down. "I am sorry sweetheart" he says running his fingers through my hair. He kisses my forehead as I push on my side facing him. He is grabbing my face reminding me to breathe. I feel Tara above me. "Colleen roll onto your back. Gonna help ok?" Tara says. I am terrified now. "I am scared Josh. I want to go to the hospital" I cry. "Colleen we are good. Don't worry ok?" The doctor says. She instantly calms me but I see Josh crying. "Oh baby" I say rubbing his cheek. I get another contraction and start pushing as Tara pushes down on my stomach. "Holy shit!" I scream. I start heavy breathing closing my eyes. "awesome job Colleen! I see her. Lets go! One more push with this contraction ok? Go!!" the doctor says. I bare down again screaming. I feel the doctor reach her hand in me as Tara pushes down. "Oh my gooooddddd" I say looking at Josh. "I am going to die Josh" I say. "No Colleen you aren't babe. You can do it " he says sobbing. I breathe again before the next contraction and I feel her more than ever. "She is almost here!" the doctor says. I push one more time and feel the doctor pulling her out as I yelp. "Colleen oh my god. Look at her baby!" Josh says. I look down and see Katie smiling holding up my gorgeous girl. "She is beautiful" I say. I close my eyes and breathe. I feel a blood pressure cuff go on me and Tara pricking my finger. I feel the doctor working on me. I feel so calm as I hear Jasmine crying. "Colleen baby, you ok?" Josh asks. I don't open my eyes or speak. "Why isn't she answering me?" Josh cries. I feel my head flop to the side. I am exhausted.

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