Chapter 149

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Josh Pov

The next couple of weeks Colleen is getting bigger and more uncomfortable. I have the girls coming to check on her twice a day now that she almost 36 weeks. I walk in and see her getting dressed in our closet. She looks at me and doesn't say a word. "The girls should be here any minute" I say approaching her. "Ok"she says quietly as she finishes putting her tshirt on. She walks past me and into the bathroom without another look. I sit on my side of the bed looking at my laptop. I see her put her hair up and comes back out and heads towards the living room. "Babe what would you like? I can get it for you" I say jumping up. "I got it" she says continuing to waddle. She is not happy today. I see her go to the fridge and grab a new insulin vial and throw it into her pump. Lily and Noah run over to her as she starts making pancakes for them. She shouldn't be on her feet but I stay quiet. She is cranky and I am smart enough to back off. Tricia sits with Jasmine feeding her as I grab syrup and butter and start setting the table. I see Colleen carry a platter full of pancakes and set them down smiling at the kids. She sits the kids down and starts cutting their pancakes up for them. The kids start eating and Colleen turns back down the hallway. I sit and eat with the kids and patiently wait for Colleen to return. Finally I slowly make my way down the hall and see her sitting on the edge of the bed ringing her hands staring at her rings. "Not thinking of taking those off are you?" I say jokingly. She spins and smiles. "No" she says before turning back. I sit down and rub her back. "So much on your mind today" I say kissing her head. She nods quietly. "Colleen what is wrong?" I ask her. "Feel down" she says. "Why?" I ask kneeling in front of her running my fingers through her hair. She shrugs. " I love you baby" I say getting worried. She faintly smiles as I hear the doorbell ring. "Let me go get the girls" I say as I get up to escort them back. I am totally worried about Colleen mentally. This is not her. I see Katie, Tara and Sheila come down the hall with smiles that quickly fade when they see my worried one. I explain everything to them before they see her. "We will figure it out Josh. Just give us a minute to see her" Tara says. I nod as they walk past. I sit outside in the hall worrying until I hear Colleen crying and talking. I peak my head in and I see Colleen curled up hugging Tara as Tara rubs her back. Tara smiles as I approach and they all quietly leave. I bend down to her. "Babe please I hate seeing you upset. Whats wrong?" I ask starting to cry watching her as I hold her hand. "You would tell me if you cheated right Josh?" She whispers wiping her face. I am shocked. "You are the only one I have ever been with and have ever wanted. I would never. Why are you asking that?" I ask. "I feel like you are so alone and thought..." She says hugging me tight as I squeeze her. She is sobbing. "Oh baby. You are resting and taking care of yourself for our baby Colleen. I only want you ever" I cry. I see Tara peak in and waves for me to come see her in the hall. I rub Colleens back and tell her I am going to get her a drink and some food. I walk out to the hallway and close the door behind me as I wipe the tears from my face. "Josh, she is crashing emotionally and her sugar levels are all over the place. Her body is almost ready to give birth. Everything is becoming a big deal to her" Tara says rubbing my arm. "Ok I will watch her" I say.

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