Chapter 80

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Colleen pov

We sit around the rest of the early afternoon in silence. "I want you to come back with me for the remaining three days you were supposed to be with me for okay?"Josh asks me. "Think I might stay back" I say sadly. "Babe I need you with me. Please. We need to figure this out" he says holding my hand. "Please" he begs. "Ok book it" I say laying down on the couch. He nods and jumps on his phone and books our flight there for 9pm tonight. "Ok 3 hour flight booked" he says. "Need anything?" He asks. I shake my head no. "Baby you look so sad" he says cuddling me. "Too much to think about. If I terminate the pregnancy will I regret it everyday? Or will I be good with why I did it?" I ask. "You need to answer that" Josh says rubbing my belly. "I have to try Josh. I can't be selfish for our child. I am having the baby if you will support me?" I ask with tears streaming down my face. "Colleen it scares me but will you please listen to me while you are pregnant ? And can we hire a nanny? I can't have you worry about looking after the kids. You need to rest 80% of the time" he asks kissing my cheek. "Ok babe. I will listen for the next 9 months but thats it!" I say laughing. He giggles and hugs me as he kisses my neck. "So you will obey me?" He says jokingly. He kisses my lips and runs his hands down my face. "Colleen lets go to the bedroom babe" he says. I stand up holding his hand and he scoops me up as he kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and  kiss him back hard. "Didn't think you loved me anymore" I say sadly as we enter our bedroom. "I will always love you babe. Its breaks my heart that you think that. I was a jerk" he says. "Joshua you left me" I say crying into his shoulder. "Will never happen again babe. I'm so  sorry. I just worry about you so much" he says. With that we spend the rest of the afternoon slowly making love. I needed to feel him and how much he loves me. The way he touched me sent me over the edge.

After laying together for a little bit, I look at my pump sitting on the bedside table and click it into my line. "Okay baby?" He asks. "Hungry" I say. Just after saying that the doorbell rings. "I got it" I say as I grab my housecoat. I open the door and its Rachel with bags of food. "I was just telling Josh how hungry I was" I say hugging her. "Glad I came then" she says as she brings the bags over to the table and pulls containers of fresh pasta, some stirfry, garlic bread and salad out. I hear Josh come shuffling down the hall. I see Rachel just stare at him. "Be nice" I whisper to her. "Sorry Josh I am going to continue to not like you right now" Rachel says as I shove garlic bread in my mouth. Josh starts to cry and nods. I walk over to him and hug him tight. I finally hear Rachel come over and hug us both. "I can't stand to see a grown man cry. Sorry man but you hurt my sis. I hated seeing her devastated" Rachel says to him. He grabs her and they hug as I smile. "Sorry Rachel. I love you. Please forgive me" Josh sobs. I rub his back and finally they let each other go. "Ok can we eat now please? This baby and its Mom are hungry" I say walking over to the table as both of them laugh at me. We sit down and eat together telling Rachel about flying back out tonight to Josh's show and keeping the baby. "I will help in every way I can guys. Love you both" she says. My family is incredible.

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