Seth Rollins

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When Mc Foley broke his arm and was forced to take a leave of absence on RAW everyone was upset including you. That meant that his workload was dumped on you along with your normal workload. Also this meant that you where in charge of listening to superstars and booking matches, the superstars already had a bad habit of bothering you.
You sat in Foley's office signing some papers when the door swung open and Chris Jericho barged in along with Kevin Owens.
"Wheres Foley?" Chris snapped.
"On leave for a while, what do you two want?" You snap back.
"I wanna talk to who ever is in charge." Kevin replied.
"That would be me." You smirk.
Kevin's shakes his head and shares a look with Chris. Neither of them have ever really liked you much, you didn't like them either.
"Why did Foley leave you in charge?" Chris barks.
"Well I am his assistant and have all the qualifications to run this place for a while. Now how can I help you two.?"
Chris was about to answer when a knock came at the door. You sighed and clicked the button to let the person in. Seth Rollins walked in.
"Hey Fol-...y/n."
"Hey Rollins I'm filling in for Foley, what can I do for you?"
"Hey no i was here first." Kevin snapped.
"So what at least I'm not rude."
You signed as the three began arguing. Your head pounded as you yelled.
All three men looked at you and stood still. You shook your head and stood up.
"Knock it off all of you, Seth would you mind waiting outside for just a second?"
"Yeah sure thing n/n."
You thanked Seth and he walked out the door. Once it was shut you turned back to Chris and Kevin.
"Now what do you two want?"
"I want a match for my Buddy chris, a championship match."
"Fine how about chairs match against reigns. Oh and kev your banned from ringside. Now get out."
You shoved both men outside before they could protest then motioned for Seth to come in.
"So now that's there gone, what can I do you for Rollins?"
"I um well, I was gonna ask you out on a date but I can see your busy with all this so I'll just leave."
Seth got up to leave but you stopped him before he left.
"Seth wait, id love to go out on a date. How about later tonight?"
"Y-yeah that's great, huh awesome."
You hugged Seth then went back to doing paperwork. A while later you stood in the main office looking at the match going on when Roman walked in with Seth.
"Hey Ro, nice match against Chris. Congrats on the win."
"Thanks y/n, Seth told me you guys had a date tonight?"
Roman was about to reply when Chris and Kevin snuck up and attacked Roman and Seth. You jumped out of the way and called security. After it was all over you walked through the halls with the medics and Seth on a stretcher. You stood outside worried when they finally let you in.
"Ms y/l/n you can see him now."
You walked in and over to Seth, he had a black eye and a few purple bruises. His bottom lip was also busted. You hated seeing him like this, you had a crush on him for quite some time now. You walked over and he looked up at you.
"Hey you alright?" You asked softly.
"Yeah just some bruises. Did they hurt you?"
"Nah just scared me, I thought they really hurt you."
Before you realized what you where doing your hand strayed to Seth's face, thumb tracing over the bruise on his cheek then the busted lip. Seth was staring at you now, trying to decide something. Then he leaned in and kissed you. You could feels his busted lip tremble as he did but that didn't stop him. You broke the kiss when you heard a female voice from the door. It was Stephanie.
"Y/n is rollins.... Well he looks fine to me, back to work, both of you."
You giggled and watched as Stephanie left in a Huff. Seth laughed and pulled you in for a hug.
"You still up for that date?" You asked.
"Totally." Seth replied.

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