Sami Zayn

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Sami Zayn, the underdog from the underground. He had a reputation of never giving up and never backing down. This had landed him in trouble with WWE's resident destroyer, Braun Stromen. Being Zayn's best girlfriend and manager you spent all day trying to convince him to leave Braun Alone. But of course Sami being Sami, refused to give up.
"Ugh, you can be so stubborn sometimes you know that Zayn?"
"I know, don't worry about me sweety, I'll be fine."
You roll your eyes and leave the locker room. Maybe you could convince Foley to cancel the match? No, that would only anger Braun, and your boyfriend. With nothing else to do you walked into Foley's office to hand in the paperwork.
"Come in."
"Hey Foley, I have the papers for tonight's match."
"Oh good, just set them down."
Foley could tell by the look on your face that you where worried. He sighed and grabbed the papers stamping them.
"Don't worry n/n, I'll have staff on standby to make sure that stroman doesn't take it to far."
"I know Foley, its just I worry about him. Its like he's trying to hurt himself." You sigh.
"I know, just trust that he'll be smart and flee of things get tight."
"Yeah, we both know that wont happen."
You chuckle and leave. On the way back to the lockers Braun passes by you and stops.
"Hey, your Sami zayn's manager right."
"Y-yeah why?" You ask keeping a distance between you two.
"Tell your boyfriend to watch his back."
Braun takes a step to you but your pulled back by a pair a hands on your waist. You're passed by Roman reigns and can see Sami's reflection behind you.
"Hey Braun, picking on helpless girls now to?" Roman questions.
While Braun is distracted by Roman, Sami drags you away. Once your both out of sight he hugs you.
"You alright?"
"Yeah babe, I'm fine."
"He really crossed the line this time. Its one thing to bother me, but when he goes after you. That's the last straw." Sami replies furiously.
Knowing you can't stop him now, you follow Sami down to the top of the Ramp.
"Be careful."
You give him a Peck on the cheek and watch as he makes his way down to the ring. You jump when you feel a body behind you, it's just Roman.
"Ro, what are you doing here?"
"Just here to help incase stroman gets any idea's."
"Thanks Ro." You reply.
Braun smiles at you as he walks up. Roman pulls you closer and out of the way. He's a good cousin. You both watch as the bell rings and the match starts.
"Its fine n/n, I'm here."
Sami is thrown out of the ring and hits the floor hard. The bell rings for a disqualification and Sami gets up to limp away. You silently scream as Braun runs over Sami on his way up the ramp. Roman bolts out and pushes Braun back.
"Get Zayn." He yells.
You run over to Sami and fall to your knee's. He's barely awake but speaks when he sees you.
"Hey sweety, how'd I do?" He grins slightly.
"Your an idiot Zayn, you know that."
The medics pull up beside you with a stretcher. You help Sami onto it then check on Roman knowing they won't let you go with them.
"Hey is Zayn alright?"
"I don't know, the medics just took him. You alright?" You gesture to the blood seeping from Roman nose.
"Yeah I'm good, its not broken or anything. Come on, Ill drive you to the hospital."
"Thanks Ro."
Roman drives you across town to the hospital. The Lady takes you up to the top floor where Sami is being kept. You find him in a hospital bed, a bruise over his eye and chest.
"Y/n, there you are."
You walk in and hug him then sit on his bed. Roman comes in and sits in a chair.
"What did they say?" He asks looking at the chart.
"They said that I'd be fine. No broken bones or fractures. Just some bruises."
"Oh thank God, you scared the shit out of me." You SWAT his arm and he rubs it, pretending it hurts.
"I'm sorry babe." He frowns.
You knew he was sorry. Sorry for scaring you and forcing Roman to help.
"Hey at least I'm fine, sorry Roman."
"Hey its all good bro. I'll leave you two alone."
Roman leaves and you lean on Sami's chest. He sighs and kisses your head.
"Love you"
"Love you to."

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