Chad Gable

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When you got your medical degree you had the idea that you'd become a famous doctor or maybe surgeon. You never expected to be using your talents as medical staff in WWE. It was a good job and paid well, but the part where you spent all day stitches and bandaging sweaty bodies was a downside.
You sat in the medical room putting away some bandages when the door burst open and two guys limped through. You regonised them as a new tag team, American Alpha. You quickly ran over and helped hoist the worse looking one on the table.
"What happened to you two?" You asked as you grabbed a clean cloth.
"We got jumped by those twins." The one standing replied.
"Uh, OK Jason right? Can you grab me those pads and that light on the counter."
Jason grabs the stuff and handed it to you. You took the light and looked at Chad.
"OK Chad follow the light please."
You moved the light around as Chad followed it with his eyes. You looked into them and watched for signs of any trauma. Sighing you pit the light down and told Chad to lay down.
"Well he has a mild concussion. Besides that he looks fine though, just needs some bandages."
"Th-thanks n/n."
"No problem Chad, now rest while I look at Jason."
You went over and looked over Jason to be sure he was fine, then you signed a paper saying Chad was fit to wrestle and they left. A few days later you once again where sitting in the exam room when the USO twins came barging in hurt.
"What happened to you two?" You asked as one sat down on the table.
"Got jumped by American Alpha. Punks."
You giggled to yourself as you wrapped up the twins arm.
"What you laughing at." The other one snapped.
"Nothing, there you'll be fine by Monday."
The twins left and you sat back down on the bench to sign papers. About an hour later you got a call, a superstar needed a stretcher out in the ring. You quickly grabbed your things and ran out there to find Jason and Chad. Your doctors got Jason on the stretcher and dragged Chad backstage.
"Chad what happened?"
"The USO twins attacked us, Jason got double teamed."
Your guys took Jason away and you looked over Chad calming him down.
"Oh God I hope he's OK, I don't know what id do without him."
"Hey it'll be OK, I have my best medical staff looking after him."
Just then your phone rang and you picked it up. It was the doctors.
"Jason he's goin to be fine. I got one of my best guys to fix him up just in time."
Chad sighed with relief and pulled you in for a kiss unexpectedly. You broke the kiss and he apologized immediately.
"Im so sorry, I didn't mean to. I just, just. Uh."
"Gable chill, its fine. I understand, least you could do is take me out on a date first though."
"Fine then tomorrow night at seven."
"Alright see you then."
You walked into the other room to fill out the paperwork for the incident. The next day you saw Chad waling with Jason in a cast and waved.

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