Shinsuke Nakamura

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"Violin? Shane did that guy walk by with a violin?" You ask as you walk down the hall with your boss.
"Yeah, did you forget that Shinsuke Nakamura is joining tonight?" Shane replied as they two of you walked.
"Oh yeah, does that mean your taking me to be his guide for the night?" You ask knowing shane will want you near his new talent for the time being.
Shane nods his head and leads you into his office where a man dressed in red stands waiting. Shane walks in and shuts the door behind him.
"Shinsuke?" He asks politely.
"Yes that's me." That man turns around to reveal his face.
Hes relativeky handsome with a cute smile and kind eyes. You wave from behind Shane and he grins a bit.
"Nice to finally see you here man, this is my assistant y/n she'll be showing you around for the night." Shane explains shaking his hand.
You step into view and hold a hand out for Shinsuke to shake, He takes it and shakes your hand smiling.
"So I'll show you to your locker room and then around the arena. Is that alright with you?" You ask walking near the door.
"Yes that's fine." He replies his accent thick.
You wonder if he speaks Japanese, you speak it also learned to when you spent a summer there in college. You take him around the arena, its a lot like the NXT setup so it doesn't take long for him to find his way around. You take him to his locker room and stop in front of it.
"This is your room, it'll almost always be the same number, we'll let you know if it gets changed." You explain handing him the key.
"Thank you y/n, you've been a good guide." He says taking the key from you.
"No problem, I'll be at the commentating table for your daybew to do an interview so see you later." You reply smiling.
The two of you shake hands and you head off back to Shane's office, when you get there he's waiting for you.
"You give him the tour, I bet he enjoyed the view." Shane comments from his desk.
"Shane, don't even start the man barely even got here." You complain to your gossipy boss.
Shane smiles and raises an eyebrow while looking at you.
"He likes you, don't blame him those jeans are doing your ass a favor." Shane points out.
"Aren't you married?" You shoot back rolling your eyes.
Shane just waves you off, you look at the time and head down to the commentators booth while a commercial runs. You slide in next to Byron Saxton, a new guy on SmackDown.
"Sup Saxton, liking the new job?" You ask sliding in your seat next to him.
"Yeah much better then Raw was." He admits turning to you.
You smile and nod your head as the lights dim and you see the guy you saw earlier walk out with his violin. You sit and listen as the music play and Shinsuke walks out, the crowd goes wild as he makes his way to the ring. When he makes it to the ring and the music fades you get up and slide in the ring next to him.
"Shinsuke Nakamura, how does it feel to be here in Seattle WA?" You ask as the crowd cheers.
"It feels good to finally be here y/n." He starts.
You smile at the way he says your name, its cute the way the words kind of slur together. After the interview you walk backstage and let him finish his promo, your signing a paper for Shane when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
"Hmm? Oh Shinsuke, great job out there the crowd loves you." You tell him waving off the guy with the papers.
"Thank you y/n, you make a good interviewer. I was hoping you'd join me for some dinner?" He asks smiling a wide grin.
"Uh yeah I'd love to Shinsuke, like a date maybe?" You ask wanting to confirm the situation.
"Yes like a date y/n." He replies your name rolling off his tongue.
You agree and take his arm as you walk outside, when you pass Shane's office he sees you and flashes a thumbs up and a grin. You hate him for being right.

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