Dean Ambrose

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You walk down the hall with the other security guard next to you, Seth Rollins stands behind both of you with his title. You get to the ramp and wait for rollins music to hit, as you wait Dean Ambrose walks by. You catch his eye and he winks at you, thanks goodness Seth doesn't see it. You give him a smile and a small wave that only the other guard sees and he disoears.
"Make sure not to let him win you two." Seth tells you and the other guard.
You nod and head down to the ring behind Seth, you see Dean waiting in the ring and can't help but crack a small smile. Once the match starts you stand on the side and watch as the two men in the ring go at it, Dean slips out of the ring and runs past you with another wink. The match continues and Seth ends up winning then orders you to beat up Dean, you do what your told and start the assault.
"You owe me for this." Deans tells you as you kick him.
"Sorry, meet me at the place later." You tell him finishing your assault.
Once your done you head back to the room with Seth and the other guard, when your back Seth confronts you.
"Where you talking to Ambrose?" He asks you annoyed.
"I was insulting him, yeah." You lie.
Seth nods and gives you a high five, after a while of chilling out you tell Seth your going to get a water. He let's you go and you head off to meet Dean, when you reach the empty storage room you find it dark and empty. You walk into the room and feel a pair of arms around you, you flip around to see a smirking Dean.
"Why hello there, funny seeing you here." He teases.
"Ah yes, the supply closet is a normal place to hang out." You reply
You and Dean share a look before you grab him by the collar of his sweaty shirt and kiss him, your in the middle of a heated make out when your phone buzzes. Reluctantly you pull away from Dean who decides your neck needs attention and look at your phone, Seth's looking for you. You groan and pull Dean up from your neck, he has a slight frown on his face.
"Gotta go, Rollins wants me." You explain fixing his rumpled shirt.
"Yeah well so do I." Dean protests.
You giggle a bit and push him out the door, he walks off and you exit the room. When you get back to Seth room he's waiting for you, you walk in and over to him.
"Took you long enough, you get lost?" He asks visibly annoyed.
"Maybe I did, your not my boss Rollins." You snap back.
Rollins waves you off and you go to take a seat in a chair, as you do you pass a mirror and see that your neck and collar are now littered with purple bruises.
"Dean." You mumble under your breath.
After Rollins finally let's you leave you head down to the hotel, when you get to your door you see its been opened. You swipe your card and walk in to find Dean looking through your bag.
"Can I help you?" You ask sarcastically.
"Yeah just looking for what the cute underwear I know you have." Dean replies looking through the bag.
You walk closer to him and close the door, he shoots you a look.
"You mean these?" You say lifting your waistband to reveal black lace undies.
Dean smirks and walks over to you, you grab his jacket and pull him close. He's about to tear your shirt off your body when someone knocks on the door.
"It me y/n, open up." Seth demands from the other side of the door.
You let go of deans jacket and push him in the bathroom, you then fix your half off shirt and open the door.
"What do you want Rollins? I'm kind of busy." You snap at him.
"Just wanted to make sure your alright, you came back to the lockers with some bruises." Seth explains.
"Just fell on my way back, I bruise easily." You lie.
Seth nods his head and scans the room, he then shrugs and tells you goodnight before leaving. Once he's gone you shut the door and lock it, when you turn around deans already next to you.
"Well aren't you a little crook?" He teases in your ear.
"Guilty. The question is, what are you gonna do about it?" You tease back.

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