TJ Perkins

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You walked out of your house and paused at the door to turn on your music and make sure that your dog was in fact next to you. You looked down to see the husky wagging his tail at you and smiled.

“Ready to go buddy?” You ask the dog with a smile, he gives you a sharp woof and you nod. You pocket your phone and take off at a jog, your dog trailing at your heels.

TJ woke up earlier than normal on a sunday, so he decided that this would be a good day to go for a run. The sun was out and it was warm for being so early in the morning, so he gathered some jogging clothes and left in a jog down the road.

You took the usual path that you used when you went on runs, down the road and making a right turn to head to the park about a mile or so away. You were going at a good pace with your dog right behind you when you noticed someone on the other side of the road also jogging. You glanced over to get a look at the stranger, he was tall and good looking from what you could see. You recognized him from the gym you frequented on weekdays, he was big into lifting weights and strength training. Being a cardio girl yourself you never talked to him. Soon you reached the park and stopped to let your dog take a break.

“Thirsty d/n?” You ask looking down at the panting dog, the look he gave you said yes so you walked over to one of the fountains that had one at the bottom for dogs and got yourself and d/n a drink.

After refreshing yourselfs you notice the guy from earlier jog up to you with a smile, your hand hovers over d/n just in case he got any ideas about the strange man walking up to you.

“Hey.” TJ waved at the girl he’d seen jogging with her cute dog, he’d seen her before at his gym to. “Can i pet him?” He asks as he walks up and looks at the fluffy husky.

“Yeah go ahead, his names d/n.” You smile and gesture down to the dog. You watch as the guy kneels and pats d/n on the head and strokes him a bit.

“Im y/n.” You smile as he stands back up to his feet.

“TJ.” He replies shaking your hand. “I think i've seen you at my gym, Ace Fitness on Parker Drive?” TJ askes you.

“Yeah i think i've seen you there before to, nice to meet you TJ.” You smile with a nod. “And d/n seems to like you, which is good. He usually doesn't take kindly to strangers being near me.”

“Ah that's good, he seems like a good guard dog. Right d/n?” TJ asks the dog, d/n wags his tail in response making you laugh a bit.

“Well i was just heading back to my place, wanna jog with me?” You ask TJ, he seems like a nice guy and you could use the company of someone that could answer you with words instead of barks.

“Yeah sounds like a plan.” TJ nods and he fixes his shoe quickly. You nod and you both take off to a jog talking along the way.

When you get about a few houses away from your own home TJ slows to a stop, you also stop and pat d/n to let him rest for a second.

“Well this is me.” TJ gestures to the home he stands in front of.

“No way?” You reply. “Mines that one.” You point to your own home a few houses away.

TJ looks pleased at this. “Cool, maybe we could jog together tomorrow?” He suggests to you.

“Yeah sounds like a plan, same time tomorrow?” You suggest to him. TJ nods and you part ways.

From then on you and TJ jogged together whenever he was home, alone with d/n you made the perfect pair. Finally after a month or two of having you as a jogging buddy he finally asked you out on a date.

“Haha i win.” You pant as you come to a stop with d/n already laying in the cool grass waiting for you and TJ to catch up.

“No you didn't.” TJ protests as he catches up and joins you. “d/n got here before both of us.” You both look at the tired dog and laugh.

You plop down in the grass and pull off your shoe to get a rock out of it, TJ sits down next to you and looks up at the clouds passing by.

“Sure is nice out today.” He comments as you pull your shoe back on and look up also.

“Yeah.” You agree taking the time to lay down in the grass, TJ sees this and joins you.

You both enjoy the silence for a while until TJ clears his throat and all of a sudden sits up.

“Hey y/n can i ask you something?” He asks you as he glances your way.

“You just did but yeah go ahead.” You joke as you also sit up so you can see him better.

“I was wondering if you're not busy maybe you’d grab some dinner with me later?” He asks. You take the time to smile as d/n trots over to you.

You grab the fluffy dog and pull him for a hug. “Hear that d/n?” You ask him. “TJ finally worked up the courage to ask me on a date. Yes he did.” You play with the dog in your baby voice. TJ looks at you weird and you giggle. “Yes TJ i’d love dinner tonight, took you long enough to ask.” You tease him.

“Hey.” TJ protests. “To be fair i had to wait and make sure that d/n liked me first.” He past the dog now sitting between the two of you.  “Or trust me when i say i would have done it sooner.” You giggle and both of you pat d/n who loves the attention

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