Seth Rollins

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"Sorry about your face, you do look like you deserve it though." You state as you reach to help the guy off the floor.
He grunts and takes your hand, now standing tall he towers a foot above you. Jes also quite easy on the eyes, well built , chocolate eyes , good taste in music by the looks of his sweater.
"Names y/n, sorry I knocked you over."
"Seth, and its fine. Wanna by me a drink?"
"I'd be happy to." You reply as you head to the open bar across the street. You both sit down at a table and wait for someone to take your order.
"So what brings you to the slums in town?" You ask curious.
"I could ask the same for you." He replies.
You smile and settle in your seat, he's looking at you while shuffling his feet below.
"Cheap beer." Is your reply.
He chuckles and nods his head in agreement. A waitor comes over and you both order. He leaves and you resume the conversation.
"So what do you do for a living?" An obvious question to ask but you wanna hear him say it.
"I wrestle." He replies with a twinkle in his eye.
"Oh yeah?" You reply licking your lips. "I'm a personal trainer."
He nods his head, you can tell he likes what you said. This is your one chance to take home a hot dude for once.
"So you've seen the world then? Being a wrestler and all."
"Yeah, a few times actually. Ireland is my favorite, I love the rain." He replies looking out the window.
You chuckle softly then the food arrives. You each eat while asking some more questions. An hour ticks by like seconds.
"So can I interest you in a drink at my place?" You ask.
"Sure, I've got nothing better to do." He replies.
You take him to your place back in the weather part of town. You both settle in your kitchen for the time being, you poor both of you some whiskey.
"This is a nice place, you live alone?"
"Yep, just me and Roxy."
Before Seth can ask who Roxy is a huge German Shepard comes barreling in the room and runs up to Seth.
"Oh hey, Roxy I'm guessing?"
The dog Waggs her fluffy tale as Seth scratches her ears. She barks once then disappears round the corner.
"She's cute."
"Thanks, she was a gift from my dad."
Eventually you and Seth retire to the couch. Your leaning on the side of it when you catch him looking at you.
"Something you need Seth?"
"Oh, sorry. Its just God your gorgeous."
"And your drunk." You reply smiling.
"So are you." He replies.
He moved closer to you and you don't protest. Before you know it you feel a pair of cold hands slip up your shirt. You shiver and run your hands through his hair.
"Can I?"
"Do it."
It doesn't take but a second for Seth to pick you up by the waist. You quickly wrap your legs around him as he carries you down the hall to your bedroom. He manages to kick the door closed behind him.

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