Will Ospreay

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You weren't surprised when your best friend Carla asked you to be her bridesmaid, you'd been expecting it ever since her fiance Zack had proposed. You took the liberty of helping her plan the wedding, you had everything you needed for the wedding to be a hit except for one thing, a date. Carla insisted you have one for the wedding, problem was you were single and not about being a stranger to your best friend's wedding.

"I'll just go alone Carla." You'd told her for the millionth time.

"No you won't." She replied again, arguing with her was like arguing with a wall. "Im not letting my best friend go without a date for my wedding." She was determined to get you a date.

The two of you walked into the arena and found your seats, Carla's fiance, Zack Sabre, was working that night so you both went to see the show.

"You should let me set you up with one of Zack's buddies." Carla suddenly gets an idea. "And i know the perfect one to." She smiles all bubbly like she'd always done.

"Wait hold on." You stop her with your hand on her shoulder. "Calm down carla, you don't need to do that." You tell her.

"Oh come on." She replies moving your hand from her shoulder. "You like some of these guys and i know just the guy for you." She tells you confident she's right about this.

You groan and look at her, she's not one to give up easy. The looks she's giving you, you can't tell her no.

"Fine, ill at least see him tonight." You tell her with a sigh. She smiles and nods her head as the show starts.

A little into the show and it's time for Zack to come out for his promo and match, you watch as he walks out with one of his friends. A shorter blonde with a sly smile and cute blonde hair, all of a sudden next to you Carla hits your arm.

"There he is." She squeals.

"Yes he's your fiance we know." You roll your eyes at her, she looks at you and shakes her head. "No not Zack, his partner Will." She points to the blonde. "Will Ospreay , he's the perfect guy for you." She smiles.

You look at her then down at the ring, as you do both Zack and Will look up your way. Zack blows Carla a kiss, and you smile as Will sees you and smiles wide. Carla notices and cant help but elbow you in the side gently.

"See he likes you." She teases.

"All he did was smile." You reply looking at you delusional friend.

"Yeah but it was one of those, hey i think you're cute, smiles." She explains. "That's the smile that Zack would give me all the time." You shake your head, although you had to admit the blonde caught your attention. He was cute, and from his performance seemed like a cool and fun guy to be around.

After show Carla drags you backstage to see Zack and Will.

In the locker room Will turns to his partner as they change out of ring gear. "Hey man who was that girl with Carla?" He asks Zack.

"Who y/n?" Zack replies. "She's Carla's best friend, you should talk to her, she's definitely your type." Zack nods and he pulls his shirt on.

"Huh Zack." Carla runs up to her fiance. "Good job tonight, and and Will i'd like you to meet my friend y/n." She calls the blonde over.

"Nice to meet you." Will smiles as he shakes your hand.

"Yeah you to, and hey loved the show." You tell him with a smile.

"Hey." Carla speaks up from her space next to Zack. "Me and Zack are going to grab some dinner, you two should join us." She suggests to the both of you.

You and Will share a look, denying Carla what she wanted wasn't the best idea. It was better just to do what she wanted.

"Yeah I guess we can go." You shrug and look at Will.

"Yeah sure." Will nods in agreement.

You all head out to a restaurant in town and sit together in a booth. You and Will sit next to each other on one side and Carla and Zack sit in the other. After ordering food Carla and Zack begin talking, left out of the convo you and Will are forced to socialize.

"So." You casually turn to him. "Carla mentioned you where the best man?" You remember her mentioning it earlier.

"Yeah, and you're the maid of honor?" Will asks with a nod.

"Yep. For bridezilla over there." You jokingly gesture to Carla. "How's Zack as a groom?"

"Ha." Will chuckles. "Just as bad, he's so high maintenance." You nod happy someone understood how perfect the couple was trying to be. "Everything has to be so perfect."

"I know right?" You reply. "Sometimes it so annoying." The waiter comes with your food and you and Will talk and eat.

After dinner you and Will part ways after exchanging numbers, the next time you see him is when you go with Carla to taste cakes. Zack and Will show up to at least have a say.

"Mmm." Will moans as he tastes a piece of cake. "Try this one." He moves the fork to your mouth. You gladly take the cake and swallow, it's a red velvet.

"Amazing." You muse. "But Carla doesn't like red velvet." You remind him.

"Oh yeah huh." Will remembers that Zack had told him that. "So you found a date for the wedding?" He all of a sudden asks.

"Ha. No." You shake your head. "You?" You ask him. He shakes his head no. "You think it be frowned upon for the maid of honor and best man to show up together?" You ask as you glance at Carla and Zack happily eating cake.

"Nah." Will waves. "And if so they'll just have to get over it." He smirks at you.

"Well it's a date then." Will nods as he raises his cake slice to the air like a toast.

"To finding a date." You mimic his movement and laugh.

A table or two away Carla and Zack glance over at you and Will laughing together.

"Told you they'd make a cute couple." She smiles at Zack.

"You called it. Maybe if we're lucky we'll be going to their wedding next." He hopes.

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