Kenny Omega

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"Well since you seem so interested in getting it i think i'll just keep it for myself." You smirk as you hold the jacket in your hand.

"Listen here princess give me that back or we're gonna have a problem." Kenny snaps as he reaches for it.

"Why don't you make me Omega?" You tease with a smirk playing on your face.

Kenny reaches for the jacket again, you pull back just as he's about to grab it. He stares at you in frustration and you stare right back, just as he's about to go in again for the jacket you duck to the side and sprint out the door.

"See ya loser." You yell as you disappear.

This was the game, bugging each other till neither of you could take it anymore was the norm for the two of you. Everyone around you claimed you could cut the sexual tension in the room with a swipe of a hand but neither of you could see it.

You leaned on the door to you locker room and slipped inside making sure to lock the door behind you. You knew Kenny would be by soon enough looking for the jacket you held in your hand, what was so special about it anyway? Now calmed down and breathing right you took a seat in a wooden chair and examined the jacket you held. It was a black jacket with the new Kenny Omega bullet club logo printed on the front, the back had kenny's name and the year he was born printed on it.

"Ha this is what he's so desperate to get back?" You giggle. "Desperate much Omega?" You muse to yourself.

You toss the jacket on the coffee table and go to take a shower. A while later you step back into the locker room in fresh clothes and pick up the jacket again, you can smell Kenny's scent on it. It smelled like an old arcade game with just a hint of men's cologne.

"Wow he needs to wash this." You say to yourself in the empty room.

You set the jacket back down and a knock comes at the door, you glance through the peephole to see Kenny looking at the door. You smile and pick up the jacket to hide it behind you and open the door.

"Yes Kenny?" You ask as you crack the door open.

Kenny pushes inside the room and you take a step back, he keeps coming and backs you into the table. You swallow hard and clutch the jacket behind your back.

"You have something of mine princess." Kenny growls as his faces inches near yours.

"Hmm." You humm looking him in the eye with a smile. "Do i now? What could that be?"

"Face it babe." Kenny replies inches from your face. "You have no place to go." He whispers.

"See that's what you think." You reply slyly as you duck down and roll between his legs then haul out the door with the jacket in tow.

"Get back here." you hear Kenny yell followed by heavy footsteps behind you.

You take a split second to glance back and see Kenny hot on your ass, you smirk and run a bit faster in order to lose him. You run through the halls and weave down corners in order to loose the man chasing behind you. After a while to tire out a bit and end up being cornered in an empty hall.

"Well well well look what we have here?" Kenny smirked as you back against the wall.

"Hey lets think about this for second Kenny." You gulp as he gets closer to you.

"Jacket." Kenny growls.

You hand over the jacket only to feel it drop to the floor, you swallow and look up at the man in front of you.

"K-kenny?" You ask confused and a bit turned on.

"On second thought i've got a better idea, i don't want that dumb jacket. I want you." He whispers in your ear.

Before you can respond Kenny crashes his lips on yours, not only that but you feel his hands reach down and pick you up by the ass as your back slides up the wall.

"Oh yeah this is much better than a sweater." Kenny smirks as he finally lets you go.

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