Pete Dunne

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"God can he go five minutes without being an asshole?" TJ asked aloud as he picked himself off the carpeted floor.

"Ha we both know the answer to that." Trent laughed aloud doing the same. "There are only two people in this world Pete Dunne isnt a complete ass to, and thats his mom and y/n l/n."

"Y/n l/n? Kenny Omega's little sister?" TJ replied. "We're talking about the ginger shorty that does interveiws and runs the gym on the weekends right?"

"Yeah, they've been dating for like 6 months dude. You didnt know?" Trent asked his friend and nxt newcomer TJ Perkins.

"No idea, why would a girl like her have a thing for Pete Dunne?" TJ replied puzzled.

Trent shook his head and the pair went walking down the hall, TJ genuinly had no idea that you and Pete where a thing.

"Well first off Perkins, she's Kenny Omega's sister so you know deep down she's trouble. Second admit it bro, he's a hit with the ladies. That accent and have you seen his instagram? All shirtless pics and him with his dog, total chic magnet." Trent explained to the brunette.

Tj shook his head, he just couldnt picture you, a sweet gamer girl with quite the mouth on her with that asshole. Both men turned the corner and stepped into the parking lot intending to cross it to get to the other side of the building. They both stopped when they spotted pete, the man that had just kicked both their asses earlier walking towards a car. They hung back and watched as he opened the door to a black dodge charger and helped a girl with blazing red hair step out, they imediatly pegged it to be you.

"Afternoon gorgeous, hows the arm doing?" The heard pete ask you as you stepped out of the car.

You wore a cast on your lower arm up to the wrist, side hugging Pete you replied with a smile.

"Arms fine, a bit sore from driving but it'll be fine. Help me with my bags?" You ask pete stepping to the back of the car and clicking your keys.

"Of course princess, ill carry them all for you." Pete replies grabbing the purple duffel bag and one other black smaller bag.

"Thanks babe." You smile pecking him on the cheek.

You shut the trunk with your good hand and glance in the direction of the east entrance of the building after something catches your eye. You spot trent seven and tj perkins attempting to spy on you, shrugging it off you walk with pete to the oposite entrance and head inside.

Back at the east entrance from the cover of a grey suv trent and tj share a look.

"Dude what did we just seem?" Tj asked partly amused and shocked.

"Did we just witness pete dunne being polite to someone?" Trent replies holding back a laugh.

Tj nods his head and both men stand and head back inside the way you and Pete went.

Later that night you sit in pete's locker room and quickly take a selfie and send it to Kenny, he expected you to check in with him. After you went and broke your lower arm while out partying he constantly was worried about you.

"What are you doing?" Pete chuckles seeing you make a weird cross eyed face.

"Kenny asked for a photo with crossed eyes to prove i was here. I dont think he believes me though." You explain putting the phone down.

"Lemme see it." Pete replies reaching for the phone. "He'll beleive this."

Pete grabs your phone and takes a selfie with you in the background on the couch that just so happens to have the tv displaying the date and time in the frame. He then sends it and hands the phone back to you, not before snapping one of him kissing your cheek.

"Ahh, pete." You groan as he kisses you. "You know i dont get why everyone fears you. You are the biggest dork i've ever had the pleasure of meeting." You giggle as you throw your feet over his lap.

Pete chuckles and places his hands on your legs.

"Hey im an asshole no doubt about it, just not to you princess." He admits all of a sudden griping your legs and pulling you body forward to kiss you.

You squeal as your yanked gently forward, pete kisses you as your face reaches his as his hands now grip your thighs. You push him off and giggle as you move back to your orignal spot on the couch.

"You better get going dunne, you have a match in a bit and i have a gym shift." You remind him as you stand.

"Well tonight seems like a good night to go to the gym, dont know why though." Pete jokes walking out the door.

"Well i dont know about you, but i happen to go for the veiw." You reply with a smile.

"Oh yeah?" Pete asks.

"Yeah, whenever i have shifts this super cute guy from the UK shows up. He's super cute with a stunning smile and some gorgeous blue eyes. He's also pretty entertaining to watch lift weights." You tease pete as the two of you walk past trent seven and tj perkins.

"Hmm he sounds handsome, bet im better looking though." Pete replies giving you one last peck on the lips before he walks off.

Once he's gone you turn around and walk back towards trent and tj, they both pretend not to see you.

"Hey seven , perkins." You grab the attention of the pair. "Wanna tell me why you two where spying on me and Pete in the parking lot earlier?" You ask them.

"Umm tj didnt believe me when i told him you and pete where dating. Because who would wanna soend time with him? So we went looking for proof." Trent quickly explains hoping you wont send dunne after them later.

"Well we are perkins, and ill have you both know pete is a great boyfriend. Hes nice and polite to me, now you to on the other hand. Something tells me he won't be to happy knowing you two are lurking around so dont let me catch you idiots again, or he'll be looking for you. Are we clear?" You explain hands on your hips.

Both men nod and take off, you smirk and head down to the gym.

"See told you she was trouble." Trent tells tj after they flee from your sight.

"Well she is an Omega, something tells me her and Pete make a good power couple." Tj replies catching his breath.

They both had no idea, nxt had no isea what was about to hit them.

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