TJ Perkins

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You sat on your couch in a tank top and short shorts, your boyfriend of three years Dean was gone at work for the whole day leaving you at home alone. Or at least that's what he thought, secretly you'd been seeing someone behind his back. Yeah you loved Dean, but lately your relationship just wasn't going smoothly so while he was at work and ignoring you you'd be spending your day with tj Perkins. TJ had understood your situation and was happy to keep you company, but over the time you'd spent together you where growing feeling for each other. The doorbell rang and you sprang up and skipped to the door, you opened it up to see TJ smiling with a case of pizza.
"TJ your here, come in." You told him grabbing the pizza.
"Good to see mg favorite girl again, how's Dean?" Tj asked as he walked into the house and followed you into the kitchen.
"He's fine, ignoring me as usual." You replied a bit of sadness in your tone.
You and Dean had been together for almost three years, the relationship started out great. You and Dean always had time for each other, sure you'd fight but you'd always make up not to mention the make up sex was awesome.
"I missed you." TJ gushed as he wrapped his arms around you from behind.
You smiled as you felt his arms around your waist, TJ always knew just what to do to make you smile. He breathed on your neck lightly as you stood still and savored the moment.
"Come on let's go sit." You tell him as you drag him to your couch.
TJ plops down first and you follow right next to him, he throws an arm over your shoulder and plants a kiss to your lips. You giggle and shift your body on his lap, it doesn't take long for clothes to be discarded.
The sound of keys in a door wakes you up, your laying naked on top of an also naked TJ. You quickly jump up and wake up TJ.
"Babe get up, deans home." You warn him.
TJ quickly rises and grabs his clothes as he dives into the hall closet, you slip on your shirt and undies then kick your bra under the coffee table. Just as you do the door opens and deans steps through, he sees you and gives you a small smile.
"Hey baby, busy at work?" You ask sitting down.
"Yeah work, hey babe actually can we talk?" Dean asks.
You nod and he sits down next to you, you look him in his steel blue eyes and see a bit of sadness but also hope.
"I need to tell you something, I'm breaking up with you." He flat out tells you, his voice cracks slightly as he does.
"You? Why?" You ask a bit shocked.
"Truth is baby, I've been cheating on you. I know its wrong but our relationship just isn't what it used to be, I'm sorry." Dean admits as he stares at you.
You crack a smile and chuckle softly, dean shoots you a weird look. You let out a sigh, then turn to Dean.
"TJ you can come out now." You raise your voice.
Dean watches as TJ emerges from the closet with his pants on and waves, Dean then turns to you with a smile.
"You've been cheating to hu?" He asks
"Yep, sorry." You reply as TJ stands next to you.
For the next hour or so you help Dean gather his things and you give him one last hug and small kiss goodbye, once he's gone you sit in your bedroom.
"Does that mean I finally get to stay the night?" TJ asked as he joins you.
"Ha, yes that means you can stay. Maybe even move in of you want." You reply as you lay down.
You look up to see TJ hovering above you, his arms either side of your head. You giggle as he leans down and plants a kiss to your lips.
"I Think I'd like that."

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