Dean Ambrose

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In all your years of being a medic at WWE you hardly ever had regulars. You got them once in a while, a superstar that just couldn't help but get into trouble whenever they could. However, you'd never had a regular quite as regular as Dean Ambrose. He was always coming in for a head injury or to get a cut cleaned.
You sat in the medics office sifting through your mess of a desk out of boredom when the door swung open, you looked up to see Dean walk through. With a smile and a sigh you walked over to the bench he sat down on and pulled on some gloves.
"So what brings you by today Deano?"
"Think I might need some stitches." He replies pointing to a bleeding spot on his head.
You reach up and part some of his curly brown hair to reveal a nasty looking gash on his head. You run a finger over it and Dean flinches.
"Ouch, hey watch it."
"Sorry, yeah you'll need a stitch or two. Be right back."
You walk over to a cabinet and pull out a white box then walk back over. Dean watches as you set it down and pull out a suture needle and stitch thread.
"This gonna hurt?"
"Probably." You reply blankly as you sterilize the needle.
You dab some hydrogen a poroxide on a cloth and tell Dean to hold still. He yelps in pain as you dab the blood clean from the wound.
"Oh don't be a baby."
"Hey this hurts you know." He retorts.
"Your a man, handle it."
He sighs heavily and you finish cleaning the blood from the cut. You grab the needle and can see Dean looks nervous.
"Relax Dean, I've done this a million times."
He nods and relaxes, you begin to run the sutchure through and he writhes in pain. You stop and put a hand on his.
"Its alright Dean, I'm almost done."
He stops and holds still. You finish up and send him on his way. This was the way it always was, he'd come in and you'd fix him up. You knew Dean was a nice guy at heart and that he meant well.
A few weeks later your sitting at your desk once again when you get a pager call. You pull on your jacket and grab a gurney. Your accompanied by a few medics as you rush down to the ring, your heart drops as you see who the emergency is for. Dean lays on the floor at ringside, he's beaten and bruised and barely conscious. You rush over to his side and kneel down to his level.
"Dean? Dean sweety can you hear me?"
"Y-yeah, God it hurts." He groans.
"Just hold on Dean." You reply.
You motion over a medic to help hoist Dean onto the gurney. Once he's on there you rush him down to the center. On your way there your pulled aside by Daniel Bryan.
"What's the word y/n?"
"Umm I don't know yet, possible broken ribs and maybe a concussion. Ill let you know."
With that you rush to the back, the meds have Dean on a table waiting for you. You shoo them off and walk over to Dean. He smiles when he sees you.
"There she is."
"Your an idiot Dean, hold still."
He chuckles as you lift his shirt over his head and throw it behind you. His torso is littered in red and purple marks. He flinched when you run a hand over his ribs.
"That hurt?"
"Mm, yeah bad."
You nod your head and pull over a small x-ray machine. You turn the lights low.
"Hold still for a second."
The machine clicks then you drag it away. While the computer loads the photos you begin cleaning the cuts on Deans body.
"You know, I should take you out for dinner. I mean you do see me half naked at least once a week."
"Ha, make it a nice dinner and we have a deal." You reply.
Dean smirks then winces as you swipe over a cut on his back.
"Sorry." You mumble.
You stop for a second watching his back muscles tense and flex as he moves around. You snap out of it and walk over to your computer. One look at the photos and a smile breaks on your face, you walk back over to Dean.
"Well I've got some good news, your ribs aren't broken just bruises. That means I'm putting you on leave for two days then your clear."
Dean smiles and pulls you in for a sweaty hug. You pull away and shake your head.
"Well then, let's finish taking care of those cuts."
"Then some dinner? My treat."
"Then some dinner." You reply with a smile.

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