AJ Styles

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Just your luck, after a whole four years working just fine in nxt with your two best friends sami zayn and finn balor you all get called up to the main roster. While sami and finn stick together on Raw, you get sent to SmackDown Live alone. Its not that you cant make friends, its just that due to your natutally sarcatic personality usually landed you enemies quick. And with sami and finn gone that meant trouble for you.

The night came and you made your way down the hall to the locker rooms, on your way you spotted a farmilular face. Tyler breeze was in the hall talking to his curent tag partner fandango, naturally you walked over to say hello.

"Breeze is that you?" you ask walking up to the pair.

Tyler turns his head and smiles wide, you reach him and he pulls you in for a hug.

"Y/n its so good to see you, i heard a rumor shane drafted you here." tyler greeted you. "Oh dango this is y/n black, shes a friend from nxt."

"Cool, nice to meet you y/n." dango replies shakin your hand.

You smile and shake it back, after you and tyler talk a bit more you head back to the lockers. On your way you run into another fellow nxt wrestler, unfortunately  hes not a friend of yours like breeze was.

"Well look who it is, why are you here black?" baron asks as he spots you walking in his direction.

"Not in the mood corbin so back off." you warn not in the mood to argue with him.

"Well im afraid that i am, so are you going to answer the question?" baron replies flashing an amused grin.

Your about to reply when someone comes up behind you and answers corbin for you.

"Now thats no way to treat a lady." the voice speaks in a southern accent.

You dont have to look to see who it is, aj styles. Your cousin kenny omega always talked about him, he was a former member of bullet club after all.

Baron just glared at aj behind you and walked off, as soon as he was gone you turned around to thank your savior. Sure enough as you turned tou where met by ice blue eyes and dark brown hair.

"Thanks for that, god hes a pain in the ass. Oh im y/n by the way, y/n black." you tell him holding out a hand.

"Oh yeah, kenny omegas spunky younger cousin right?" aj replies

"Yep, that would be me." you nod. "Anyway, ive got match in a bit so i better get to my locker room. It was nice finally meeting you aj."

Aj nods and you walk off down the hall, down in your locker room you cant help but text kenny and let him know you finally met aj styles. He replies back fast and congratulates you, its the next text that scares you a bit. He tells you that you should ask him out as a thanks for helping you with corbin. You choose to ignore the text as its time for your match against charlotte, youd faced her before in nxt. What you didnt expect was for corbin to show up halfway through the match.

"Why the hell is corbin here?" charlotte asks you as the two of you tussle.

"No idea, he was bothering me earlier." you explain as you throw a kick her way.

"And you survived?" charlotte replies dodging the kick.

"I kind of got saved by aj styles." you tell her going for a punch.

As you do you notice corbin looking at from his chair at the announce table with a creepy grin. The match is about to end and you feel nervous, you cant handle him alone and charlotte wont be much help either. No offense to her of course. But just as you pin her the arena fills with music and your head whips to the ramp, to your suprise aj walks down to congratulate you. He slides in the ring and raises your arm then leans down and whispers to you.

"Corbins been looking for you, just trust me and go with it." he whispers.

You nod and smile wide at the camera, after a moment or two aj walks you up the ramp and backstage leaving baron behind. When you get back to the hallway you both stop.

"Thanks again, god hes annoying." you complain.

"Tell me about it." aj replies. "Anyway that was a good job out there, kenny was always telling about how good you are."

"Oh yeah? He texted me earlier and suggested i thank you for helping me out. That is if you want to?" you ask.

"Umm no i dont think so." aj replies

Your heart sinks a bit, youve always had a thing for aj.

"Id much rather take you out on a date. That is it you accept." he adds.

A smile spreads on your face, you shake your head. Youd forgotten all bullet club boys where sarcatic and witty like you.

"Well now how can a girl refuse an offer like that? Especially from the man that just saved her from a beating." you giggle taking his arm.

"Now you're related to omega, so tacos?" aj asks recalling kennys love for the food.

"You are one hundred percent correct sir." you reply with a grin.

"Perfect." aj chuckles. "We'll get along just fine."

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