Curt Hawkins.

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"Personal trainer? I need  personal trainer?!" Curt slightly yelled at Shane and Daniel.
"Yes Curt, if you wanna keep your main roster spot you'll need a personal trainer." Shane shot back at the angry ginger.
Daniel nodded in agreement and disapeared behind the door, Curt looked as Shane and rolled his eyes.
"How long do I have to have one?" Curt asked Shane a bit calmer now.
"Three months then you can get rid of her." Shane replied as Daniel came back in the room with a red head girl.
Curt took one look at the girl in front of him and was down for having a personal trainer. She was short and had rws hair, she also had blue eyes and wore a black tank top and red shorts.
"Curt this is y/n, your person trainer." Daniel introduced you to your new client.
The man was tall and well built, he was a ginger like you and wore a devilish smirk on his face.
"Nice to meet you y/n." He said as he held out a hand for you to shake.
You took his hand and shook it, then after Shane finsihed talking let you and Curt go. You both walked down to his locker room so he could change.
"So I hope you like running because we'll be running mile every morning." You tell him as the two of you walk.
"Every morning?" Curt rellied with a sigh.
You nod with a smile and reach his room, he tells you to wait outside while he grabs his stuff. When he comes back out he's in gym clothes and has a bag slung over his shoulder.
"Shall we head down to the gym?" He asks you with a smile.
"Let's go." You Reply as you follow behind him.
You can't help but smirk as you follow behind him, the shorts he's wearing make his ass look incredible. When you get yo the gym Curt walks to the treadmill while you change, when you come out your in a sports bra that's black and red and your red basketball shorts.
"Well you look good." He tells you with a wink.
"Thanks, I'll race you for a mile on hard mode." You challenge him.
He smirks and changes the setting on his machine, after a while notice he gets a bit tired but he pushes through and finsihs the mile.
"Well that was fun." He tells you while panting a bit.
"Yeah." You reply also panting. "I'll go get us some water, meet me by the entrance in a minute."
Curt nods and you walk over to the vending machine and purchase to water bottles, you head to the door and wait for Curt. As your waiting Dean Ambrose aproaches you.
"Hey, haven't seen you here before. And I know I would've remembered you." Deans says as he leans agianst the door next to you.
"Huh yeah, I'm a personal trainer hear." You reply praying Curt will show up soon.
Dean inches closer as and as he's about to say something you feel an arm snake around you waist and someone speak, you smile as you see Curt's red hair in the corner of your eye.
"Can we help you Ambrose?" He asks holding you close.
"Not at all Hawkins." Dean replies as he turns to leave.
After he leaves Curt walks with you all the way out to your car, only when you get there does he let go.
"Thanks for that Curt, I owe you one." You tell him as you unlock your car door.
"How about a date, one date and your debts repaid." He replies with a smirk.
"Deal." You tell him.
Before he leaves you Peck him on the cheek and climb in the car. As you leave he waves goodbye and heads to his own car, maybe having a personal trainer is a good thing.

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