Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens

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This is a two part choice story, if you want Sami to win you'll read the chapter called Zayn wins, if you want Kevin to win read Owens wins. Or you can read both

Sami Zayn and Kevin owens used to be the best of friends, they shared everything with each other. That was before, this is now. Now they're destined to fight for life, over everything. When they both meet you its a race to see who will win.
You walked down the hall on your way to the main office when you run into a good friend, Sami Zayn.
"Hey Sami what's up?" You ask stopping to let him walk with you.
"On my way to catering, what about you?" He replies walking in step with you.
"Going down to the office." You explain "Oh and good luck on your match tonight."
You give Sami a quick hug and split to another hall then he's going down, Sami walks down his hall when he's stopped.
"Kevin." Sami says blankly.
"Sami. Saw you talking to y/n and just wanted to say, stay away." Kevin warns walking off.
Sami scoffs and walks the rest of the way to catering, later that night sami's standing outside curts office when he sees you talking to Kevin.
"Nice job on your match, you did great." Kevin complimented you.
"Thanks Kevin, you did a nice job earlier today to." You reply saying goodbye.
As soon as your out of sight Sami walks over to Kevin, Kevin wears a smile on his face.
"Hey back off Kevin, shes mine." Sami warns.
"The hell she is, she's mine Zayn." Kevin shoots back.
The two argue for a while before coming to an agreement. Whoever gets her first wins and the other will back off. They shake on it and the next week they battle it out for your affection.
You hear a knock on your hotel door and open it up to see a bouquet of roses on the floor with a card, you grab them and walk back inside where Xavier is playing a game.
"Who's that one from?" Xavier asks not looking from his game.
"Owens." You reply setting it on the table with the other ones.
The whole week him and Sami have been fighting for a date with you, at first they where sneaky about it just telling you nice things and holding a door open but you soon caught on to it.
"Who you gonna pick?" Xavier asks pausing his game.
"I don't know?" You sigh "Sami's super cute and nerdy like me, but he's also strong and funny and just ugh. But Kevin's a nice dude to, hes popular and fun to hang with." You explain your conflict.
Xavier just shakes his head at your conflict and goes back to his game. The next morning Kevin and Sami show up at the door.
"Not to be rude but its been a week y/n." Sami reminds you.
"Yeah, so who wins. A date with me or him?" Kevin finishes.
"I pick........"

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