Dolph Ziggler

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You'd been roommates and best friends with Dolph for as long as you could remember, been there for ever girlfriend that broke up with him and ever title shot that needed in disaster. To say you loved him was an understatement, you'd do anything for him.

"Hey I'm back." Dolph slurs and he steps into the hotel room at 3am.

"Yes you are." You sigh and you shut the door behind him. He drunkenly smiles and sits down on his bed, the smell of booze radiates off of him. "Alright buddy." You tell him. "Let's get you out of those clothes." You aproach him and grab his shirt by the hem like youd do a child and tug it over his head.

To drunk to care Dolph just looks at you as you throw the shirt to the floor and tug his pants off with ease.

"Woah there y/n, we shouldn't." Dolph warns as you finally get his pants off him.

"We aren't you dork." You giggle as you throw the pants down with the shirt on the floor. "Watch." You tell him as you hold your hand out.

He doesn't hesitate to hand it over, you pocket it and push him down into bed and cover him up.

"Now go to sleep frat boy." You firmly tell him with a smile. Dolph barely gets a nod in before he's out like a light.

You sigh and pick up his things and put them away to be washed then tuck his watch in his suitcase, judging by how drunk he was you know he's going to have a headache in the morning. You decide to doze off for a few hours.

Later that morning Dolph groans as he's awoken by a beam of bright light in his eyes.

"Ugh what the hell?" He asks as he slowly sits up.

"Get up sleepy head." You tell him as you stand by the window.

"Y/n god what time is it?" Dolph asks as he glares at the sun through the window.

"Almost seven, now get your hungover ass up we've got things to do today." You exclaim as you strut over to his bed and pull the blanket from his grasp.

"Ugh why? Five more minutes." Dolph groans.

"Nope. Get up and take a shower you smell like booze and cheap hookers." You tell him as you point to the bathroom door.

Dolph rolls his eyes and groggily makes his way to the bathroom and shuts the door. Satistfied you clean up a bit and wait for him to shower. A few minutes later your door gets knocked on.

"Oh hey Sami." You smile as your best friend stands at the door.

"Hey y/n, where's Ziggler?" He asks as he scans the room.

"Frat boy is currently showering, went out and got hammered last night." You sigh as you let him in and shut the door.

"Ah again. And I'm sure you stayed up to wait for him?" Sami asks knowing the answer.

You nod as you glance at the closed door, Sami doesn't approve of you putting up with Dolph when he gives nothing in return.

"I know youve heard this a million times but why are you still friends with him? I mean you put up will all his shit for nothing, I know you love him n/n but come on." Sami badgers you again.

"I know Sami." You sigh as you run a hand through your hair. "Just because he doesn't think of me that way doesn't mean I don't still. Even if he doesn't like me like that I'd rather loose sleep to make sure he's safe then not and see him get hurt or arrested." You sigh.

Sami nods and pats you on the back before leaving, you sigh and get back to cleaning up.

Inside the bathroom Dolph leans against the door with a toothbrush hanging loosely from his lips. Did you really feel that way about him? Hr shakes it off and gets dressed.

"There he is." You smile as the blonde exits the bathroom. "How do you feel?" You ask him with a smile.

"Like I got ran over by a truck." Dolph  chuckles. "Hey thanks for staying up and waiting for me, I appreciate it." He smiles at you.

"No problem man, what are friends for." You nod as you grab your gym bag. "I'm heading to the gym wanna come with?" You ask him.

"Yeah sure, it's been a fee days since we just hung out." Dolph smiles as he picks up his own gym bag.

"Cool." You smile as you head to the door.

You and Dolph spend a few hours at the gym, when your just about done Dolph makes a suggestions.

"Hey y/n." He calls to you as you step out of the womand locker room. "Lemme buy you breakfast as thanks for waiting up for me." He suggests to you. "Plus I kinda wanna talk to you." He tells you.

"Yeah sure." You reply a bit nervously.

You and Dolph head out to a diner and order some food, you sit in your seat and sip some coffee.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" You ask as you set down the mug.

"I ummm." Dolph stutters a bit. "Look I just wanted to say how much I truly love and appreciate you y/n." He blurts out. "You are literally my rock and without you if probably be in jail, frankly im pretty sure I'm in love with you." He explains as he talks fastly.

You sit in silence and look at the blonde sitting across from you, he loved you? God that was ironic.

"Well this is just great." You giggle making Dolph look at you worried. "I thought I'd be the first to confess my undying love for you." You giggle as you look at the smile on his face.

"So. So this means this is a date?" Dolph asks.

"Haha yeah sure, but maybe let's tone down the drinking from now on eh?" You ask as you take another sip of coffee.

"Hmm yeah sounds like a deal." Dolph smiles.

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