Finn Balor

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You sat in the lone makeup trailer and swiveled in your leather seat, today you had a new guy coming in for his full body paint. That man was Finn Balor. You where entirely sure who Finn Balor was, just the hottest guy on the Raw roster. And you had the privlage to paint his full body in paint, you'd spent a few days practicing the design so you could get it right. And now it was finally time.

All of a sudden a knock came at the door as it swung open, you practically jumped to your feet. In walked Finn, smile and all. You walked over and shook his hand with a smile.

"You're a bit early, that's good. This full body paint may take a while, but don't worry I've made sure to study the design so I know what I'm doing." You ramble a bit.

"That's good, thank you for doing this for me, most makeup girls hate doing it." Finn explains as he sits down.

'yeah because they probably cant concentrate while being that close to your shirtless body' you think to yourself as you ask him to change into his ring gear so you can paint over it. Finn nods and disappears behind the curtain while you grab the paints and brushes you need, when he returns he wears bright red tight shorts and boots. 'god now I see why no one wanted this job' you think to yourself.

"Ok so i'll start with the body if that's alright, so stand up for me please." You ask as you grab a bottle of black body paint.

Finn nods and stands up, you sit down on your swivel chair and dip a fine tip brush into the paint case. As soon as the brush isn't dripping anymore you run it along Finn's basically perfectly tones body to make a line, you almost drop the brush and mess up as you hear a faint giggly above you. You stop and look up to see Finn trying hard to keep it together.

"Something wrong?" You ask continuing to look up.

"No, sorry it just tickles is all. I'll try to keep still, sorry." He tells you.

You nod and get back to work, being this close to finn balor is like a dream come true and you're loving every minute of it. Once the outline of where white and red will go on his body you switch to a much bigger brush and start on the majority of his torso.

"This should be much quicker then the lines where." You asure him.

Finn nods and lets you work as he does his best to keep still, after the black is all done you take a break to let it dry. While you sit and mix a dark shade of red finn asks about the bird tattoo on your neck.

"Hmm? Oh that, got it when I was 19 I think. It's the same tattoo as my favorite video game character if you can believe it." You explain.

"Cool it looks good on you." Finn replies.

You thank him and get back to work starting with the red on his torso, it takes about another hour to get his whole body and neck done. When you finish you both take a break and let finn sit down.

"It must be exhausting having to stand for this long." You point out as you grab some clean brushes.

"Must be tiring for you to lass, you have to sit here and paint details on my twitchy skin." Finn replies.

"Ah that's alright, I'm used to doing it. I mean not this much but don't worry I don't mind." You asure him.

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