Cody Rhodes/Marty Scurll

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You where the new girl in NJPW, fresh from WWE after you'd gotten tired of the company infamous for smothering their stars with strict rules. It wasn't hard for you to get picked up by the company, they jumped at the chance before anyone else could. Tonight was your first night actually on the job.

Marty and Cody walked down the Hall proudly sporting their tag team belts on their shoulders, tonight they weren't scheduled for anything so they had plenty of free time to kill. As they walked down the both their gazes landed on a girl they hadn't seen before, she was a h/c and she looked a bit out of place.

"Hey Marty check out her, she looks new." Cody whispers as he nods in the direction of the girl.

"Hey man I saw her first." Marty replies. "She's cute."

"Yeah she is." Cody nods. "Let's go say hello." He suggests wearing a smirk on his face.

You are walking down the Hall when you spot two bullet club members heading your way whispering to each other, you'd have to be an idiot not to know who they where. It was Cody Rhodes or just Cody and Marty Scurll. All of a sudden Cody takes a step forward and smiles at you.

"Well hello there beautiful, you new here?" He asks you as Marty pulls up to his side.

"Yeah we haven't seen yay around and trust us when we say we definitely would have noticed you." Marty smirks.

"Yeah today's my first day, just came from WWE." You smile back at the pair, getting on their good side was a good thing.

"Hmm WWE you say, what's your name?" Cody asks you as he looks you up and down.

"Y/n l/n, and before you ask yes I know who you two are." You tell them so they don't have to ask.

"Ah she's a smart one Cody." Marty grins as he to looks at you.

Cody nods and shifts his weight to his side, you stand before them and bounce on your heel unable to hold still.

"Well as fun as standing here staring at each other is I've got a match to get to." You dismiss yourself from the pair.

"Alright good luck sugar." Cody nods at you as you turn to leave.

"Yeah good luck l/n." Marty adds as you leave. Once your gone the pair share a look.

"She's a spunky one." Cody smiles as they begin to make their way down the Hall again. "Maybe we should keep an eye on her?" He suggests.

"Yeah maybe we should, I say we see how she does in her first match." Marty nods agreeing with his partner.

Both men make their way to a monitor just in time to see your entrance, a classic I'm awesome and better than you demeanor. This of course impresses them, along with your simple but effective attire consisting of black and grey. Your first match is against a local girl since its just your first match, it goes off with a bang and adds up to an easy win for you.

"Well she's good that's for sure." Marty points out as the match ends.

"Yeah she's good, quite the little stunt woman to. Lotta charisma." Cody nods in agreement. As the pair continue to discuss you Kenny shows up a bit early for his match later in the night.

"What are you two conspiring for?" He asks as he squeezes between them and glances at the monitor. "Hey is that y/n l/n?" He asks.

"You know who she is?" Cody asks.

"Yeah was in WWE, pretty good at what she does. Hmm I didn't know she changed brands." He nods. "Question is what do you two want with her."

"We were thinking maybe she'd make a good addition to the team." Cody grins a bit.

"Yeah she's good and we could use her talents for the team." Marty adds also smiling.

"Well." Kenny starts as he looks at the pair of best friends. "I'm down but if she does accept that means she belongs to you two, she's your responsibility." He warns them.

"Yeah yeah we got it man, I really don't think she'll be that hard to handle." Cody waves.

"Yeah honestly kenny, we can take care of one girl." Marty adds.

"Huh yeah alright." Kenny nods as he leaves. "They are in for a wild ride." He mumbles as he walks off.

Marty and Cody take the time to find you after your match, they find you cooling off with a bottle of cold water and a towel.

"Hey nice job man." Marty congradulates you.

"Yeah beast." Cody adds. "We've got a proposition for you." He tells you.

"Oh yeah?" You reply and you gulp down some much needed water. "What would that be?" You ask him.

"We think that you'll make a good addition to our team if your interested." Marty offers you. "You'll be working with me and Cody most of the time." He explains.

"I've only been here a day and I'm already getting offered a bullet Club membership? Why didn't I switch over here earlier?" You ask jokingly. "I don't see what harm could come from joining you two." You nod as yay stand.

"Well then welcome to bullet club babe." Cody smiles as he shakes your hand.

Flash forward a few months and what was normally the dynamic duo of Marty and Cody had changed to the triple threat no one wanted to mess with. Not only did the boys have their tag titles but you managed to pick on up also.

"Alright y/n." Marty cheers for you as your lifted on his and cody's shoulders.

"Yeah you go girl, that was awesome." Cody adds.

"Haha woohoo." You cheer as you hold your new belly in your hands proud. You couldn't have done it without them.

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