AJ Styles

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You stood at the top of the ramp watching in horror as your fiance was wheeled up on a stretcher, your brother Sami was right at your side as you tried to join the group of medical staff by the gurney. Sami, knowing that you'd get in the way grabbed your arm and held you back, you broke down into sobs in his shoulder. As you watched through teary eyes as the staff put AJ in an ambulance you stood with a blank stare and thought about how you met.

"N/n you can't keep doing this to yourself." Your brother Sami scolds you as he looks at your bruised knuckles.
"Whatever, I'm sorry." You yell him snatching your hand back.
He sighs and shakes his head, this was the third fight you'd gotten into this month. It was bad enough you never listened to him, but now you where getting into fights.
"You need to stop y/n, what if Shane wasn't there to break it up? You could have been hurt." He tells you as he grabs a first aid kit from a cabinet.
Your groan and cross your arms in annoyance, you know that Samis just being a big brother and looking after you but you don't need him to. He walks over and wraps your wrist and lower arm in bandages but leaves the knuckles uncovered. You look down at them, purple and brown patches cover them all the way down to the joints.
"There your done, I'm gonna go start my shift." You tell your brother as you get up from your seat.
"Alright, just try not to punch anymore people in the face." Sami asks you as you walk out if the locker room.
As you walk down the hall you spot the person that gave you those bruised knuckles, Dean Ambrose walks down the hall with renee at his side. You walk past him with a smirk and head down to Shane's office, when you get there Shane and Daniel are waiting for you.
"Hey, so.. What's up guys?" You ask a bit nervous.
"Your knuckles alright?" Shane asks as his expression softens.
You nod and close the door behind you, as you do you notice a tall brunette dude standing in the corner.
"Who's that?" You ask Daniel.
"Oh that's AJ styles, your his new chaperone." Daniel replies.
You shoot him a look then looks at Shane who nods his head, you look to the guy. He's kind of tall with dark brown hair down to his shoulders, he wears a smile on his face and has ocean blue eyes. You sigh and walk over to him with Shane.
"AJ, this is y/n Zayn. Shell be your chaperone." Shane explains pointing to you.
"Nice to meet you gorgeous." AJ tells you with a wink.
You roll your eyes and go to shake his hand, he sees your knuckles and gives you a slightly worried look. When you both get out into the hall he asks about them.
"What's happened to your hand?" He asks looking concerned.
"Hmm, oh I kinda punched Dean Ambrose in the face and bruised them." You explain holding your hand up and flexing it a bit.
"Ah so your a fighter, I like that." AJ tells you flashing a pearly grin.

The memory ends and you find yourself still standing on the back exit dock, Sami stand behind you. You turn around and pass him with a blank face, being with AJ was the only thing keeping you calm and away from getting into fights. Sami sees your face and hurries after you knowing what your about to do, you walk down the hall and come to a stop at a locker room.
"Y/n don't, you'll get hurt." Sami pleads.
"Its to late for that." You reply coldly.
You open up the door to reveal Roman reigns sitting inside with an icepack on his knee, he sees you and gives you a smirk. You walk in in silence and approach him, Samis taken off to get some guards.
"What do you want?" Roman asks a bit annoys.
"I hope your proud, you basically just ended my fiances career. Hows your knee by the way?" You ask him walking closer.
As you step near him your black out, all you hear his a yell and a few voices. Then you feel a pair of arms wrap around you and pull you away, when you focus back in Samis holding you by the waist and there's a bad pain in your hand. Also, romans on the floor holding his knee in pain, Sami drags you away to an empty space.
"Y/n." He starts as he looks at your hand.
"I'm sorry, I just blacked out." You reply a bit shakey.
Sami nods and takes you down to the hospital to see AJ, when you get there his sitting in a bed.
"There she is." He smiles as you walk in.
"Hey babe." You reply hugging your fiance tightly.
He sees your bruised and wrapped knuckles and looks at Sami, Sami makes a fist with his hand and then nods at you. AJ nods his head and sighs, at least your both OK.

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