Pete Dunne

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"Can i help you Graves?" You ask the rocker standing behind you as you bend down to grab your bag off the floor.

"Yeah just stay still so i can get a photo." Corey replies smirking.

"Oh fuck off Graves." You snap at him as you stand straight.

Corey smirks as you sneer and walk off down the hallway. You dont get far when you run into the only other person you dont wanna see.

"Theres my girl, hows it going babe?" Pete asks as he throws an arm around your shoulder.

"Ignoring you and Corey." You reply as you remove his arm from your shoulder.

You walk a bit faster down the hall but Pete keeps pace next to you.

"Graves is bothering you again?" He asks jelous that another man is flirting with you.

You nod, it didnt matter anyway. You and Pete werent dating, he just found it fin to flirt and mess with you. The problem was so did Corey, and that pissed him off.

"The nerve of that guy, flirting with MY girl." Pete shakes his head putting emohasis on the word my.

"Hey watch it Dunne." You reply. "I'm not your girl remember? We're not dating."

"Woah babe, just because we arent dating doesnt mean your not my girl. And no one messes with my girl." Pete replies as he pats yours shoulder.

"Whatever you say Pete." You sigh. Arguing with him is a waste of time and you know it.

Besides having one if the most brutal men on the roster looking after you wasnt exactly a bad thing. Pete noddes as he splits from you to head somewhere else. You give him a smile and send the bruiserweight on his way.

A few hours later your walking back down the hall on your way back from the gym. Your looking down at your phone when you run into someone, looking up you find Corey once again smirking at you.

"Well look who it is. What is up babe?" He asks as he makes sure to block your way.

"Nothing much just leaving." You reply as you go to push past him.

"I dont think so sweetie." Corey replies as he grabs your arm to stop you.

Your pulled back in front of him and his hand stays lingering next to your arm.

"Screw off Graves." You tell him as you yank your arm back.

"Oh come on babe, dont be like that." Corey replies walking up to you with open arms.

You stay silent as you push him off you and speed walk down the hallway back to your locker rooms. You get to your room and slip inside, setting your bag down you take a deep breath and relax. Corey was becoming problem, but what could you do?

"Maybe i could tell pete?" You say aloud thinking about if he'd care.

"Tell pete what?" A voice replies as your door swings open and Dunne walks in.

"What? Oh nothing." You reply pulling your sleeve down to hide the red mark.

"Alright then just wanted to come check up on my girl before my match. Wanna be my good luck charm." He asks smiling a wide grin.

"Uh yeah why not." You shrug.

You make sure your sleeves stay down and walk out the door with Pete.

"Arent you hot?" Pete asks you ask the two of you walk down the hall noticing sweat forming on your brows.

"Yeah a little, i dont wanna carry my jacket though." You reply.

"I'll carry it for you babe." Pete replies as he stops walking to take it.

You slip off the jacket and pray Pete doesnt see the red mark, he grabs the jacket and see's it.

"What happened to your arm?" Pete asks as he looks at it.

"Hmm?" You reply looking at the mark like its the first time. "Oh i must have bumped into something." You lie looking at the mark.

Pete looks at you weird then shakes his head and the two of you begin walking again. As you turn the corner to a different hallway you slow as you see Corey standing in the hall. Pete slows also to keep pace with you and the two of you walk past corey.

"Hey baby your poor little arm alright?" Corey comments as you pass him.

You mentally kick yourself and glance at Pete, he looks at you then at corey then at your arm. You can almost see the light in his mind turn on as his lips purse into a line.

"Something the matter Dunne?" Corey asks in a smug tone.

You grab Pete's arm in an attempt to get him to walk away but he simply brushes it off and aproaches Graves.

"You think it's alright to put your hands on my woman?" Pete asks threateningly as he closes in on Corey.

"Yeah. And she aint your girl man, shes everyone's little slut." Corey replies glancing at you with a smile.

All of a sudden you want Pete to kick his ass, and sure enough the smaller man lunges at Corey knocking them both into the wall. Punching and kicks are thrown as you just stand by and watch, eventually some security show up and manage to pull the two apart.

"I ever catch you near MY woman again i wont be so nice." Pete spits as he shrugs off the security and walks over to you.

You dont protest as his hands cup your face and his lips brush yours roughly.

"Next time tell me if anyone bothers you, your my girl and no one elses." He mumbles into your neck.

"Whatever you say pete." You reply giggling.

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