AJ Styles

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“Hey come back here i wasnt done talking to you.” Shane yells as you slip through the door of his office.

“Yeah but i’m done talking so bye.” You smirk as you disappear.

Shane shakes his head, he needs to find a way to tie you down. You running around the arena night after night causing trouble isn't working anyone but yourself. The SmackDown commissioner sits in silence thinking up a solution to his problem when the door swings open and the current US champion walks through.

“You need to do something about Corbin.” He snaps as he slams the door behind him. “It's the third time this week he’s tried to kick the shit out of me man.” The southern man complains.

“So what do you want me to do?” Shane replies annoyed. “It’s not like i can keep a tab on him at all times. If you want help find someone to watch your back that Corbin can’t touch.” He explains as he gestures for the champion to leave.

“Fine then.” Styles snaps back. “Any suggestions?” He asks as he turns towards the door.

A smile creeps on the commissioner's face as an idea forms in his head, he looks at the champion and gives him an answer.

“Try y/n l/n she loves making Corbin angry.” He tells the champion.

Aj nods and heads out the door, Shane nods his head. If you end up taking the job working for Styles might just calm you down, you’ll be to busy dealing with Corbin to wreak havoc on other people in the building.

On the other side of the building you sit perched on a box and watch as people go by, a smile graces your features when Baron Corbin stalks your way.

“Well look who’s here, trash forget you today Corbin?” You smirk as you slide off the box.

“I could say the same about you n/n.” Corbin replies stopping in front of you. “So what is it going to take to get you to move? I’ve got business with someone tonight.” He sneers looking down at you.

“Planning on catching Styles off guard again?” You ask with a sly smile. “I mean that is the only way you’ll be winning that belt back anytime soon.”

“Whatever, i don’t have time for this.” Corbin replies as he pushes past you.

“Mhm sure always a pleasure talking to ya buddy.” You reply as you wave him off and sit back down on your box.

You hear a hearty chuckle from the opposite hall and glance that way, as you do the US champion himself steps into the hall you sit in.

“Speak of the devil.” You smirk at the man approaching you. “Corbin's looking for ya Styles.” You inform him.

“That's actually why i’m here babe.” The champion replies with a smile and a wave of his chocolate hair. “I’ve got a business deal for you. You help me avoid Corbin till our match in two weeks and i’ll owe you a favor.” He shoots you the deal.

You raise a brow as you think about the offer, what could Stylez possibly offer you in return for watching his back? He was a champion, and granted he could come in handy sometime in the future.

“Alright i’m in.” You nod as you stick a hand out for him to shake.

“Perfect, you start tonight.” Styles replies as he shakes your hand.

“Lead the way boss.” You smirk as you jump to your feet behind him.

Stiles smirks and begins walking down the hall to the locker rooms, sure enough when he turns the corner Corbin is leaning against the wall waiting for him.

“Can you get rid of him?” Stiles asks you as he glances behind him.

“No problem wait here.” You reply as you step in front of him and pace down the hall to Corbin. “Sup Corbin? I see you’re being a stalker as usual.” You smirk as you approach him.

“What do you want l/n.” Corbin snaps back at you looking impatient as always.

“Just looking to cause trouble but i need a distraction so….” You pause for a second and look up at the man in front of you knowing he hates waiting. “Styles just so happens to be on his way to the catering room right now.” You lie to him with an innocent smile.

“Oh yeah? Well now that you mention it i am a bit hungry.” Corbin replies as he stands straight and turns to the opposite hall AJ is in.

“Mhm.” You reply. “Have fun bro.”

AJ watches from the opposite hall as Corbin gets up and walks the other way, he sits and waits for a moment until you turn around and gestured him over to you. He smiles and walks your way to his locker room.

“Nice job y/n, please come in.” He offers as he holds the door open for you.

“Why thank you.” You reply as you step into the locker room.

Styles steps in after you and shuts the door, you hear it click to lock and take a seat in a wooden chair. Styles sets his belt down on a small end table and joins you in another chair.

“So you’ve proven yourself useful babe, so how's about we make this a partnership? I’ve been dying to get my hands on the little mongrel James Ellsworth.” He suggests to you with a flash of pearly white teeth.

“Hmm partner with AJ Styles. Current US champion and former heavyweight champion. Sounds like a good idea to me, how's about we discuss over lunch?” You reply cracking a smile.

“Are you asking me out on a date miss l/n?” Stiles asks wearing a similar expression.

“It's only a date if you pay.” You reply.


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