Pete Dunne

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You push off of the floor and stand to your feet, the girl above you smirks thinking she's won. You wipe some blood from a cut on your lip and urge her to come at you, she takes the bait and goes for you. You counter and deliver a right hook that sends her to the floor hard, the ref jumps between you and it's all over, you've won.

"And you're winner by tko y/n l/n." The official raises your hand.

That was your last match in UFC, after that win you made the decision to tone it back a bit and switch to wrestling, luckily for you triple H jumped at the chance to draft you to NXT. Today was your first day.

"Well now that the tours over I guess I'll leave you to it." Hunter smiles as he stands outside what is now your locker.

"Thanks Hunter." You nod with a bag on your shoulder. "Can't wait to get started next week." You tell him with a smile.

"That's what I like to hear." He pats your back. "See you next week." He tells you as he turns to leave. You nod and head in the room.

Inside you shut the door behind you and set your bag down, you don't officially start for another week so you decide to spend some time at the gym in the facility. After changing you head out to the gym on the other side of the building.

"Hey you're y/n l/n." One of the hands comments as he sees you.

"Yeah nice to meet you." You smile and shake his hand. After chatting for a minute you continue on.

You get to the gym and decide that a bench sounds like a good idea for a warm up, so you saunter over and settle down at one of the empty ones. You aren't there for long when someone walks up to you, you look up to see a relatively attractive dude looking at you.

"That's quite a bit of weight." He smirks down at you. "You sure you can lift it?" He asks you. You roll your eyes and lift the bar overhead and back down easily.

The nods his head and remains in place, you do it a few more times hoping he'll be impressed and leave.

"Nice." He nods. "Need a spot babe?" He asks you.

"Look like I need one?" You reply raising a brow. "Besides I don't even know you." You look up at him.

"Oh my bad, it's Pete, Pete Dunne." He tells you with pride. You look at him weirdly.

"It that suppose to impress me?" You ask him, he looks down at you his eyebrows giving you a reply.

"You must be new here." He chuckles. "Two time UK champion ring a bell?" He asks, you roll your eyes.

"Two time fly weight woman champ and one time featherweight women's champ ring any for you?" You ask him with a smile.

"UFC huh." He nods. "Hunters bringing in some muscle now is he?" He jokes.

"Ha. With the looks of his champions he'll need it." You tease as you sit up. You had managed to finish a few sets while talking to the champion. "Well as much fun as this has been I'd best be going." You smile as you stand.

"Well then I look forward to seeing you in action miss l/n. See you next week babe." Pete nods and you make your way to the door.

When you get back to the hotel room hunter gave you, you find that you actually have a travel buddy. You know this because you walk in to find a suitcase and some stuff already in the room. You roll your eyes at the mess and settle in on the bed that doesn't have stuff on it.

"What the?" Pete asks as he gets to the his room after being informed he's getting a travel buddy. When he gets to his room he sees you and smiles. "You stalking me now?" He asks.

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