Kenny Omega

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"Is he serious?" You ask to angry to wait for an answer. "I can't believe he's actually going through with this." You pace across the floor angry at your idiot of a fiance.

"Alright calm down babe he'll be fine." Marty assures you with a Pat on the back. You seat his hand away and look at him.

"He's going to get himself hurt and we both know it." You tell him. Marty nods his head knowing that you are ready to argue if he doesn't agree.

"Did you talk to him yet?" He asks you.

"No but I plan to when he gets back from his match with Matt and Nick." You nod as you glare at the door. "You know he could have at least told me so I didn't have to hear it from Cody." You complain.

Just as Marty is about to reply the door swings open and Kenny walks through with the young bucks in tow with him.

"Hey there she is, can I get a hug babe?" Kenny asks as he steps your way his arms out wide.

"No I'm mad at you." You Huff as you side step him. Kenny frowns and turns to Marty for an answer.

"Oh no man I'm not apart of this." Marty throws his hands up.

"I don't even know what I did, baby why are you so pissed?" Kenny asks as he turns to look at you.

"Oh I don't know." You snap at him. "Maybe because I just heard from Cody that you took a no DQ match against Jericho without telling me." Kenny looks at you and a small grin spreads on his face. "What are you smiling for?" You ask still angry.

"Oh come here, you are adorable you know that?" Kenny chuckles as he forces you into a hug. You sigh in frustration and let him hug you, you can never stay mad at him for long. "For what it's worth I was planning on telling you tonight, Cody just can't keep his mouth shut." He chuckles.

"Whatever." You hug him back still a bit mad. "Still should have told me when it happened."

"Yeah yeah sorry." Kenny apologises.

You let him go with a satisfied look on your face, at least he apologised to you.

"So when is this match going on so I know exactly when I need to worry." You ask him with a goofy smile.

"Hey what are you saying?" Kenny replies as he looks at you. "You saying that jericho's gonna beat me?"

"No I didn't say that. But come on babe let's be honest it's Chris Jericho." You tease him. "One of the best not to mention good looking wrestlers out there." You smirk.

"She's got a point." Marty adds to stir the pot.

"Just you wait princess, I'm gonna wipe the floor with the blonde ass." He growls with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Ahh someone sounds jealous." You giggle. Kenny frowns at you but quickly gets over it.

You giggle at your fiance and how he still manages to get jealous.

"The match is set for Friday at 7." Kenny informs you as he goes to change out of his sweaty clothes.

"Thanks babe." You nod at him as he enters the back room. "You guys will be there to make sure things don't get out of hand right?" You ask as you turn to Matt.

"Yeah don't worry we'll be standing by." Matt nods making you feel better about the whole thing.

"Yeah me and Cody will keep an eye out for him." Marty adds.

"Thanks guys." You smile at them. Marty ruffles your hair like the big brother he'd always been to you.

The next few days went by to fast, you dreaded the time when Kenny would get in the ring with Chris. To lighten the mood Kenny decided to go with an elaborate costume for his entrance like the dork he truly was at heart.

"Haha." You chuckle as he steps out of the dressing room in his attire. "You look like such a goofball."

"Hey." Kenny replies as he looks at you. "I look badass."

"Hmm yeah tell yourself that babe, whatever makes you happy." You giggle as you place a kiss to his cheek for good luck. "For good luck, be careful out there for me and get a win. " You tell him.

"I will, for you and the boys." Kenny nods. You turn to Matt and nick and give them a serious look.

"Keep an eye out for him you two, I'd rather have an alive fiance then a win and no fiance." You remind them.

"Don't worry n/n." Matt nods.

"Yeah we'll keep an eye out for him." Nick adds.

You nod and wave them off as they head down to the ring, already done with his match Marty stays with you to watch the match. You look worried as Kenny walks out to the ring where Chris already stands.

"Hey he'll be fine." Marty pats your back with a grin.

"God I hope so." You swallow.

The bell rings and the match begins.

Over a half hour later you stand on your feet cheering as Kenny plants Chris down on a steel chair and goes for a pin. You jump and count with the ref on screen.

"One.... Two...... Three. Yes!" You jump and cheer with joy. "Woo he won." You cheer in place and keep your eyes on the ring as Matt and Nick quickly celebrate in the ring. Chris ends up going by you and Marty on his way backstage.

"Ha nice seeing you Jericho, looks like you're not the best in the world after all." You smirk as he passes you pissed off.

At few seconds later Kenny comes hobbling into the backstage area with Matt and Nick at his side, you immediately hop to his side and engulf him in a hug.

"Thank god that's over, congrats babe." You hug him. "I knew you could do it."

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