Dean Ambrose

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Dean Ambrose walked into the arena for the first time on a Monday night in a long time. The recent superstar shakeup had landed the intercontinental champion on RAW for the time being. Naturally he immediately sought out his best friend and former brother in arms Seth Rollins. Freshly reunited Seth took the time to show Dean around the RAW stage. They where both sitting backstage when Dean caught sight of a cute h/c dressed in a snapback and a basketball Jersey with white jeans and matching sneakers.
"Hey rollins who's she." He asked pointing to the girl that now wore headphones and was heading past them.
"Oh her, that's y/n l/n shes the divisional and head promotion coach." Seth replied taking a sip of his water.
Dean stared as you walked by him not evening seeing that you where being stared at. Once you where out of sight Dean turned back to Seth.
"She got a boyfriend, I might wanna take her out." He pointed out.
Seth just shook his head and stood up. He lead dean down the hall to give him the rest of his tour. Later that night Dean stood by the main office when he saw you go by again only this time you where dressed in a black misfits tee with gray jeans and sneakers. Dean thought that you looked much better in this then your last outfit. He was surprised when you stopped to say hi.
"You look lost dude, can I help in anyway?" You ask sliding your phone in your pocket.
The man in front of you smiles widely his steel blue eyes shimmering in the low light.
"I'm Dean, just waiting to be called in is all." He replies holding out his hand for you to shake.
You grab his hand and snake it then are on your way to your locker. When your out of sight you pull up your hand and smile, his touch felt nice. Warm and inviting like you knew him.
A few weeks later and you and Dean have had some encounters, mostly just passing each other in the hall to say hello. Dean walks down the hall on his way to the gym when he catches sight of you with TJ Perkins. Dressed in a snapback and Jersey your trailing next to him talking.
"So this commercial should only take a few hours to shoot and edit, thanks for lending me the Jersey by the way."
"Yeah no problem, hey I think a stray dog might be following you."
You look in the reflection of your sunglasses to see Dean casually walking behind you. You smile and keep on walking with TJ.
"You like him don't you." TJ teases while you two wait for the director.
"Do not." You reply "I mean yeah he's hot and seems like my kinda guy but."
TJ raises an eyebrow, he knows he's right. You do have a thing for Dean, ever since you said hello to him over a month ago. Tj chuckles and shakes his head, its not like you to crush on a guy.
"You should go ask him out n/n." He suggests as your walking down to the gym.
"I don't know man, you think?" You reply unsure.
Down in the gym Dean and Seth stand by each other lifting weights. Dean rants as he lifts a barbell.
"You think she'd say yes, I wanna ask her but."
"Dude just do it, worst case she says no." Seth interrupts tired of Dean talking about you.
Dean sighs and throws his jacket on before walking your way. You stand by TJ while he grabs his gym bag, your about to go catch lunch with him when you hear your name being called. You turn around to see Dean walking your way, TJ sees this and sets his bag back down to wait for you.
"Hey y/n glad I caught you."
"Yeah what's up Dean, something you need?" You ask twirling your car keys in your hand.
"I um, I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna catch some lunch with me?" Dean replies stuttering slightly.
You smile widely and nod your head turning to TJ. He throws his hands in the air and picks up his bag from the floor.
"Go ahead n/n, I'll talk to you later tonight."
You nod and hug TJ goodbye before he leaves you with Dean. The two of you walk side by side and you chuckle slightly.
"What's so funny?" Dean asks as you walk into a cafe.
"Nothing, this morning TJ was saying i should ask you out on a date." You reply sitting down in a chair.
You look over at Dean who's also laughing slightly.
"What?" You ask a bit embarrassed.
"Nothing, its just Seth was saying the same thing to me earlier today. Looks like a beat you to it babe." He replies with a gorgeous smile.
You giggle and shake your head making you h/c hair swing over you shoulder.
"I guess this was just meant to be."
"I guess it was." Dean replied.

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