Pete Dunne

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Why you? Why is it always you? When ever Vince needed someone to photograph live events or his new Champions he always called on you. Now there is a whole team of photographers and video editors besides you. Yet he ALWAYS chose you, always. This month you where shadowing Triple H's newest money maker, The Brusierweight Pete Dunne

You walked into the arena and straight to the recording room, you where pleased to see that the equipment was already set up. Setting your camera bag down you walked over to who looked like would be your assistant for the day.

"Hey I'm here, you my assistant?" You ask the skinny man in front of you.

"Yeah that would be me, I'm Ed Lanster." The man introduces himself with a handshake.

"Cool, I'll be doing most of the main work but I'll leave the lighting and stuff to you." You tell him.

Ed nods and you walk off to get your camera, your looking through the lenses to see how it picks up light and movement when someone walks through the door. You look at the man and damn near drop the camera, he walks up with his gleaming championship in hand and Hunter at his side. You set down the camera and smile.

"Ah there she is, my best camera girl. How you been y/n?" Hunter asks you.

"Fine, better when I get this check. You must be Pete, I'm y/n l/n." You introduce yourself to the ridiculously hot guy standing in front of you.

"I'm Pete, this is an all day shoot right?" Pete asks.

You scream internally, god his voice is so deep and smooth. Is this man In front of you even real? Hunter pats him on the  back and leaves, you smile and step by Pete to grab your camera.

"Yeah the shoot should take all day, we do want you looking your best don't we?" You ask once again looking through the camera lenses.

"That is the point." Pete chuckles.

Your camera is on silent so you snap a quick photo of Pete, he doesn't notice which saves you the embarrassment of him asking why you took the photo. You walk over to ed and tell him to fix the lights and let Pete get changed into his ring gear for the photos, when he comes out you have him stand on the backdrop and look through the camera.

"Ok ed move the light to the right a bit, and Pete tilt your head just a bit. Good hold it." You snap a few shots then set the camera down again. "Ok Pete give me a pose you feel reflects you."

Pete moves his fist to his jaw and gives you a mean look, this just makes him look hotter then before.

"K, ed dim the light just a bit, perfect. Pete go ahead and look me right in the eyes." You tell the Brusierweight.

He does as told while still holding the pose and you find yourself staring through the camera lenses at a pair of dark brown eyes. You snap out of it and click the camera, once then a few times more.

"That was good, now maybe move the belt to your shoulder." You tell Pete

He obliges and you snap a few more photos and take a break, its been about two hours. You set down the camera and grab a bottle of water from the table then head over to look at them. Every one of them are basically perfect, he's extremely photogenic. You wonder what his instagram looks like.

"Hey Pete wanna see what's been done so far?" You ask as you scroll through the camera roll.

"Yeah sure." Pete replies walking your way.

You show him a few of the photos then put the camera back down, ed is busy moving the lights and equipment around.

"You're good at this, no wonder Hunter said he'd hired the best." Pete compliments you.

"I'll have you know I'm his favorite photographer." You reply proudly.

Pete smiles and you giggle a bit, after a few more minutes of lounging around you get back to work. Pete steps up to the mat and flexes his arms, god those arms. He has to work out like everyday to get arms like that, suddenly Hunter making you come in again to do photo-shoots doesn't seem so bad.

"Good but just uh, wait Ed hold this."

He grabs the camera and you walk up to Pete, he gives you a bit of a worried look.

"Oh everything's fine just, do you mind?" You ask

"Not at all baby doll." Pete replies.

Oh god no don't call me that you think to yourself. You carefully move some soft hair on his head into place and move the title a bit so it looks more natutal, the whole time you can feel Pete staring at you.

"Sorry about that, I'm just a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to photos." You admit grabbing the camera from Ed.

"Eh that's fine, It seems like you know what your doing." Pete replies smiling.

You giggle and click a few more photos, by the time the shoots over and the sun is setting you have a full shoot done with photos from a bunch of different angles. Ed had gone home for the night and only you and Pete remained in the shooting room.

"Wow these are so good." Pete gushes as he looks at the roll.

"Thanks I'd hope they are, five years of college and even more student loan debt better be worth something." You joke a bit

"Hey amen to that, my parents kind of hated me when they found out I dropped from university to be a wrestler. I've been working to pay them back ever since." Pete admits.

You nod in understanding and get up to place the camera back in the bag, after its tucked away you grab your phone and look at the time. Its barely even seven at night, still really early for you.

"Hey Pete wanna take a normal selfie?" You ask.

"Yeah I'm down." Pete replies.

You flip the camera on and walk over to Pete, your expecting a normal photo as you squeeze next to Pete and get him in frame. As you go to push the button Pete kisses you, the camera almost drops from your hand. You manage to grab it in time, Pete chuckles.

"Well that was a pleasant surprise." You giggle. "Hey maybe you actually don't look good in this one."

You both look at the photo, damn he looks perfect just like all the other photos. You don't look to bad yourself either, which is an accomplishment for you.

"You should send that to me." Pete tells you.

"Yeah sure what's your number?" You reply.

"Oh so you want my number y/n?" Pete asks slyly.

"Ha funny, here just type it in." You reply with a smile.

Pete puts the number in your phone then walks you back to your hotel room, he leaves with a peck on the lips from you. When you get back inside you open your phone and look at your new contact and smile like and idiot at the name.

"y/n's new beau." You say aloud reading the contact name.

Quickly you scroll through the camera roll and set the selfie and the contact photo, looks like this photo shoot wasn't a hassle after all.

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