AJ Styles

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You stood in the hall and peaked around the corner, you couldn't help but crack a smile as Scott and Dash walked right past you in a Huff. When you where sure they'd left you rounded the corner and headed down to Shane's office, as you did you watched for Scott and Dash. You had pranked them earlier by switching their ring gear with some lingerie, now they where pissed off and out for blood. Not to mention the USO twins probably still wanted to kick your as for switching their belts for fakes last week, you couldn't help yourself. You where a prankster and an all around asshole to be honest, this meant that you also likes to work alone. When you finally reached Shane's office he was sat at his desk with Daniel at his side, you plopped in a seat and flashed a smile.
"You called boss?" You asked as you propped your feet on his wooden desk.
"Thanks for coming, me and Daniel have been talking. We've made the desission to put you in a tag team with someone." Shane explained as he pushed your boots off of his desk.
You sat in silence for a minute taking in what Shane had told you.
"Me a tag team? Why, with who?" You asked spewing out questions.
Just as Shane was about to answer the door swung open and AJ styles stepped through, you took one look at the man and stood up.
"Serious​ly Shane? Out of all the people to tag me with you pick this egotistical maniac that seems to think he's the best thing since sliced bread?" You protest, hands in the air.
AJ shoots you then Shane a look, he was also shocked you where his partner. Shane waited for you to calm down then started to explain his dession.
"Y/n, your a smart and talented girl, but you can't go five minutes without having someone after you. You need a partner to help keep you out of trouble. And AJ, your a great guy and a good talent, but your ego is out of hand." Shane explains.
Daniel nods his head behind him, you and AJ share a look there's no way either of you are getting out of it. With a sigh you shake hands and are dismissed, out in the hall you and AJ walk side by side.
"This is a horrible idea." You point out as the two of you walk.
"Yes that it is, besides I don't have an ego problem." AJ replies
You snort slightly causing him to shoot you a look, you shake your head.
"You are the most egotistical man I've ever met AJ, and I've met a lot of people full if themselves." You tell him with a smile.
"Oh yeah, well Shane right about you. You can't stay out of trouble." AJ shoots back.
You giggle as turn the corner with him, you scan the hall for Scott and dash then go back to your conversation.
"You can't insult me, I know I'm an asshole." You tell him.
He chuckles and your about to turn a corner when you grab him and push him against the wall, he tries to speak but you cover his mouth with your hand while the other one presses against his chest. The both of you stay silent for a moment then you move your hands and sigh with relief.
"Sorry bout that, you can move your hand off my waist now." You tell him looking down at his hands gripping your hips.
AJ quickly moves his hands and looks at you like you just stabbed someone.
"What the hell was that?" He asked a bit flustered and angry.
"Scott and dash where walking by, and they kinda wanna kick my ass." You explain peaking around the corner to an empty hallway.
"Well just give me a heads up before you push me into a wall sexually." He tells you as you begin walking.
You shoot him a smile, he just ignores it.
"I'm the one who made it sexual? Your the one who insisted in grabbing my ass when I did it." You tease.
AJ shrugs his shoulders and a smile plays on his lips, you can't help but smile to as he does.
"Can't help it, if I see an  oprotunity to get some im gonna take it." He tells you
"Is that so?" You reply "And when is the right moment?"
You turn to him expecting and answer but get met with a pair of lips instead, once again you feel hands on your hips and lower back. Your hands immediately shoot up to a head of soft hair, when you break the kiss your met with ice blue eyes.
"Now seems like a good time." AJ smiles at you.

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