Dean Ambrose

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Being the only woman on the SmackDown staff that wasn't just an interviewer meant you had to be tuff. Not afraid to get in a superstars face, capable of pulling two suoerstars out of a fight. That's what you did, Shane and Daniel praised you for that. You where their secret weapon, no guy would dare hit a girl.
You walked down the hallway, avoiding the staff that gave you looks. When you got to the office you walked in and found SmackDown Lives resident lunatic and a good friend of yours, Dean Ambrose.
"N/n there you are." Daniel sighed. "Please tell your boyfriend that having a match with Corbin is a bad idea."
You smile and sit doen by Daniel, deans looking at you with those baby blue eyes.
"Sorry Daniel, I'd just give it to him. Less property damage."
Daniel shakes his head, he won't do it. Dean sighs and accepts that Daniel won't do jf.
"Fine, I'll go find him myself."
He storms out the door before you can say a word. You sigh and grab some papers. Daniel sighs and grabs one from you.
"You better keep an eye on him."
"He's a big boy, can take care of himself. I'm not his babysitter."
"You are in love with him though."
You lightly punch Daniel on the arm.
"Am not." You retort.
Daniel chuckles and goes back to his papers. Later SmackDown has started and your walking down the hall when you run smack into Corbin.
"Watch where your going pipsqueak."
"Oh bite me." You snap back. "Deans looking for you by the way." You add.
Baron smiles and walks off, you head to the office. When you get there deans on the monitor in the ring. You stand by Shane listening to Dean call out Corbin. Shane shakes his head.
"I'll have medics on standby, keep an eye on your boyfriend n/n."
"He's not my boyfriend Shane." You quickly reply.
"Yeah sure." Shane quickly replied.
Shane shook his head, everyone knew you had a thing for Dean with the exception of Dean himself. You and him did everything together. Traveling , eating , you shared hotel rooms , always worked out together. You two where an unbreakable pair. You finished up with Shane and made your way back doen the hall. You where passing the garage when you saw Corbin walk past with a steel pipe hidden up his sleeve. You hadn't gotten far when you realized what he intended to use it for. You turned around and bolted down the hall, you where about to turn the corner when you heard Someone cry out in pain. You rounded the corner to find Dean on the ground clutching his torso, Corbin was standing over him kicking him for fun.
Baron turned round and smirked as he kicked Dean again. You ran over and pulled him off. He smirked and walked off. You dropped to your knees.
"Dean! Dean are you alright?"
Dean groaned and writhed in pain. You pulled his head up to your lap, he reached up and grabbed your hand.
"Its alright Dean, I'm right here." You grabbed the walkie talkie from your side and clicked the button. "I need medics to the garage, Dean got attacked. Possible broken ribs, bring a stretcher."
You sit there on the floor Dean clutching your hand and groaning in pain. The medics show up and you help Dean onto the stretcher. Your about to go rip Corbin a new one when Dean grabs your hand.
"Please don't leave me."
You clutch his hand tight and jump on the stretcher. The medics wheel you two into the back room. You sit by Dean as they examine his torso and ribs. They give him some painkillers and he's able to sit up. You get up and help clean the cut above his eye.
"The doctor should be back soon. You probably have a broken rib or two."
"Thanks for staying with me, y/n can I tell you something?"
"Yeah go ahead Dean." You reply
You place the bandage on deans forehead and he sighs. He has to tell you sometime.
"N/n, I love you."
"Love you to Deano."
All of a sudden Dean grabs your hands on his. You look at him concerned and surprised.
"I mean it y/n, I love you. Your my best friend, the person I never want to see leave me."
You smile widely and press your lips to his, when you break apart you press foreheads.
"I've always loved you Dean."

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