AJ Styles

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You walked down the hall trailing Shane, today a new superstar was being officially introduced into SmackDown live. AJ styles had been a suprise entrant in the royal rumble, today was his official daybew.
"You brought papers right y/n?" Shane asked as you two walked.
"Yeah I have them." You reply.
Being Shane's assistant was a pretty easy job, sure sometimes you'd have alot of work to do but Shane treated you like a daughter. You finally reached the office with Shane and took a seat to sort your papers, while doing so a knock came at the door.
"Can you get that n/n?" Shane hollered from his desk.
"Ueah." You yell back.
You push your glasses up your nose and walk over to the door, you open it to see a tall and handsome man looking at you.
"You must be AJ styles, Shane's waiting for you." You tell the man as you lead him inside.
You lead him over to Shane's desk then wander off to your own desk. AJ turns to Shane with a smirk, Shane just rolls his eyes.
"Welcome to SmackDown AJ, good to have you here." Shane tells his new talent.
"Glad to be here Shane, can't wait to own this place." AJ replies shaking Shane's hand.
The two men tall for a while until Shane realizes he had some papers for AJ to sign, he quickly yells for his assistant.
Your filling out papers at your desk for Shane when you hear your name, quickly you get up and sprint across the room.
"You called Shane?" You ask when you reach the pair.
"Yeah I need to to show AJ to his room and have him sign his papers, oh and then go pick me up a coffee would you?" Shane tells you.
You nod and gesture for AJ to follow you, he follows you to your desk where you grab a handful of papers and books then take of down the hall.
"So your y/n right?" AJ asked as you walk.
"Yep, Shane's assistant." You reply as you walk.
As you walk your glasses begin to slide off your nose, with no hands free you sigh and keep walking. AJ chuckles and stops, you turn to him to ask why he stops but meet a hand. AJ pushes your glasses up your face, you smile and thank him.
"There much better." He states as he moves his hand.
"Thanks." You reply
He nods and you two keep walking, once you reach ajs locker you have him sign a paper and are about to leave when AJ stops you.
"Have a nice rest of your day babe." He tells you with a smirk.
You giggle a bit and nod, AJ smiles and disappears. You head back to Shane's office totally forgetting his coffee, when you get back Shane scolds you.
"Where's my coffee?" He asks.
"Oh sorry I forgot, distracted a bit." You admit as you take off to get his coffee.
Shane shakes his head as you take off, he doesn't need AJ messing with his assistant and distracting her from her job. You finally get back with Shane's coffee and hand it to him then head back to your desk.
A month or so pass by and Shane's growing increasingly pissed at AJ, whenever he'd come in to see Shane or Daniel he'd talk to you which always distracted you from work. Today Shane sat at his desk and looked across the room to see styles leaning against your desk talking to you, he also saw the untouched stack of papers he'd given you.
You sat at your desk and giggles at AJ, he'd always make time to say hello when he came in the office. Sure you should have been finishing up the papers Shane had given you, but AJ was just so funny and nice, your sure he didn't mind.
"AJ come on I have to get to work." You complain trying to get AJ to go before Shane gets you in trouble.
"Fine fine I'll go, but you should come grab some coffee with me later." AJ pressured you.
"I'd love to but I can't, Shane's go me working tonight." You reply pushing AJ towards the door.
AJ stops at the doorway and turns to you, your hands still on his arm to push him out.
"You know he's dumb for not seeing what a great girl he has." AJ tells you before walking off.
You run a hand through your hair and shut the door, when you get back to your desk Daniels waiting for you. You give him a smile and sit down at your desk, Daniel turns to you.
"What's up Daniel?" You ask.
"N/n we need to talk." Daniel relies with a more serious face.
"About what?" You ask setting down your papers.
"You know what." Daniel replies "We both know Shane hates you talking to styles, he distracts you from your work. You know that."
You sigh and again run a and through your hair, a habit you'd had since you where a kid. Daniel gives you a Pat on the back, you give him a smile.
"Just wanted to tell you before Shane did." Daniel adds as he walks off.
You just sigh and go back to your paperwork. Later that day you still sit at your desk doing work for Shane when the door slides open, you look up to see AJ walk through the door with a coffee and a smile.
"What are you doing here?" You ask a bit shocked but glad to see him.
"Well you said you couldn't go out for coffee so I brought the coffee to you." AJ replies handing you a coffee.
"Oh God, you know Shane hates when you come see me, says your a distraction." You explain grabbing the coffee.
"Well let him be angry, if he wants to keep ms from taking you on a date I'll bring the date to you." AJ replies.
You raise an eyebrow and take a sip of the coffee, it feels good as you swallow the warm liquid. You glance over at Shane glaring at AJ from his desk.
"Oh so this is a date?" You say loudly for Shane to hear.
"If you want it to be." AJ replies.
You lean across the desk with a smirk and Peck AJ on the lips, you can almost feel Shane's eyes bore into yours. Before he can walk over and yell AJ pulls you into the hallway.
"So now that I'm most definitely​ fired, need a manager?" You ask as you link arms with him.
"Hmm, I don't know." AJ replies with a smirk. "Only if it means we get to have a real date."
"I think that can be arranged." You reply.

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