Chris Jericho

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"Late, of all the things he could be why does he have to be late?" You groan as you bounce on your heels near the main entrance of the arena. "God where is he?" You were currently standing outside one of the many arenas in Tokyo Japan, you were supposed to be showing Chris Jericho around that was if he showed up at all.

Then all of a sudden a black car pulls up and stops a few feet in front of you, you look at the back door as it opens up and Chris finally steps out. You politely greet him with a smile, even though you wanna punch him for being late.

"Hello." You greet the blond. "I'm y/n and I'll be your manager for the time being." You hold out a hand for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you gorgeous, sorry I'm late." Chris smirks as he shakes your hand and takes a second to look you over. "The airport had security issue and wouldn't let anyone leave." He explains.

You nod and turn around to the main door, Chris takes his place to the side of you.

"Well at least you're here now, we're only twenty minutes late." You calmly reply as you open the door and walk in. "So I'll be your translator since you don't speak Japanese and a lot of people here do, I expect you can handle yourself with the English speakers?" You ask him playfully in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Yeah I think I'll be able to handle it." Chris grins at you as the two of you walk. You turn into a Hall that leads to the locker rooms and are immediately stopped by Cody and Marty Scurll.

"There she is." Cody smirks as he blocks your way.

"Kenny's looking for you babe." Marty adds with a smile. "Who's this?" He asks noticing Chris behind you.

"He's a newbie, now if you'll excuse me I've got a job to do. Unlike you two slackers." You push Cody's to the side.

"Thought I said Kenny wanted to talk to you?" Marty replies.

"Thought I told Omega I wasn't interested?" You reply not looking back at the pair. Chris follows behind you and glances back at Cody and Marty who don't look happy.

Once you turn into a different hallway you stop for a moment, you'd totally forgotten where you were going.

"What's up with those two?" Chris asks as you glance at the paper in your pocket.

"Locker 838 right." You mumble as you pocket the paper again. "Huh? Oh don't mind them, they're just entitled assholes is all." You smile. "Your locker is just down the hall."

"Those were bullet Club members right?" Chris replies. "You have a thing with Kenny Omega?" This makes you snicker aloud, you roll your eyes and shake your head.

"Ha he wishes, no Kenny's just one of those guys that don't take no for an answer you know?" You tell him as you stop in front of a door. "Well here we are, go ahead and meet me at my office in around let's say 20?" You ask him. "It's just down the Hall, take a left then two rights and it's the first door you see." You explain to him. Chris nods and steps into his room.

You make your way back to your office, when you get there a package is waiting at the door, you grab it and take it inside. Once you're settled in a chair you open the package, it another thing of flowers. And next to it is a card.

- you know you wanna go out

You roll your eyes and trash the card and flowers along with the now dead others in the trash already, a bit later you step out of your office to greet Chris but get Kenny instead.

"Well hello there, a little birdie told me that you've been avoiding me." Kenny smirks as he stands a bit to close for your comfort.

"Well then you got the message clearly." You reply. "Now kindly get lost I've got a new client coming by in a minute." You tell him as you push him off your making some much needed distance.

"Yeah Cody told me that you were parading around Chris Jericho earlier.  Don't tell me you like him more than me princess?" Kenny asks you.

"Well he hasn't been harassing me for the past month so yeah it's safe to say I like him more." You reply as you spot Chris heading down the hall to you. "Speaking of Chris." You smile and wave over Kenny.

"Hey y/n sorry I'm a bit late, got turned around a bit." Chris apologizes as he reaches you.

"No worries Chris being late isn't that big of a deal for me, I've got much bigger problems trust me." You glance at Kenny who still lingers by you. "You can leave now Kenny." You smile at him.

Kenny mumbles under his breath then gives Chris a nasty look as he leaves. As soon as he's gone you sigh and put Chris on the back.

"Talk about perfect timing, thanks Chris." You thank him.

"Yeah, you know I can beat him up for you right?" Chris suggest to you. You shake your head implying he didn't need to do that. "Well how about I take you out for some dinner?" He asks. "You look like you could eat and relax a bit." He tells you.

You smirk and nod your head, food did sound good. And if Chris was with you then Kenny would hopefully take the hint and get lost.

"Sure id love dinner." You nod with a smile.

"Perfect." Chris nods. "Well lead the way I've got no idea how to get out of here." He laughs a bit.

You giggle and grab his hand to lead him out of the arena.

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