AJ Styles

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"Shane? There you are, sorry I'm late. Traffic." You explain as you drop your bag down at your desk.
"Don't worry about it y/n, I have a job for you today." Shane replies.
You walk over to Shane's desk with your water bottle, running through the building to the office made you dehydrated.
"What's the job?" You ask leaning on his desk.
"Our new champion is requesting some company tonight, so he's less likely to get jumped." Shane explains as he types away at his laptop.
You sigh and take a drink of your water bottle, security wasn't exactly the funnest job to do.
"Do I get paid overtime?" You ask, the only way your taking the job is if you get paid.
"Ugh, yeah fine. You have to wear the uniform though." Shane replies with a smile.
You groan and nod your head then head out.
When you reach the security room you go in and change into black pants and a matching tank top, you wire a mic and grab a walkie talkies​.
"Alright boys, rumors are the champs in for a beating tonight so stay alert. I'll be with him at all times, keep noise on channel four I'll be on channel seven." You explain to the guys.
After they're all ready you grab a water and head down to the locker rooms. When you reach the last one you knock once to announce your presence then turn the key and walk in.
"Who the hell are you?" AJ asks from his chair as he laces his boots.
"I'm your personal security princess." You reply hand on your hip.
AJ Snickers then realizes your dead serious, he just sighs and stands.
"Great shane gave me a short snarky teen for a body guard." He snarks as you walk next to him.
You just roll your eyes and keep leading him down to tjr recording office.
"I'm a third degree black belt and a former MMA champion for your information." You state as you stare down the hallway.
AJ reminds silent behind you, suspicious you look back to see him gone. Quickly you run down the hall and grab him by the collar before a man grabs him.
"Office is this way."
Before he can reply you point to the guys around the corner, he nods and walks on front of you. When you reach the recording office Shane opens the door.
"Took you long enough, you two stop to make out?" Shane asks smiling wide.
You lightly punch his arm and shake your head before taking a seat off to the side of the room. After Styles finishes his interview for RAW later that night you jump up and walk over to him.
"So where am I taking SmackDowns princess now?" You ask standing by Shane.
"The gym, need to get my workout before RAW goes on the air tonight." AJ replies grabbing his jacket.
You nod your head and walk towards the door, a quick peak out and you see two sketchy looking dudes slip behind the corner. You quietly close the door and turn back to Styles.
"Alright well, Shane needs to stay in his office and me and you are taking the long way to the gym. Unless you wanna get mugged that is?" You explain pulling your jacket on.
AJ shakes his head and motions you to lead the way. You slide open the door and step out, AJ follows behind you closely. You two take the back hall down to the storage and come out of the loading dock. From there you go through the gyms back door and make it to the weight room. AJ goes on his way to the weights while you perch yourself on a bench and scan the room. Every once in a while your eyes scan over styles, sweat dripping over his toned body as he lifts a weight bar over his head. You jump when a hand sets on your back, your turn and see Shane sitting by you.
"You should ask him out." He suggests grinning ear to ear.
"What no, why?" You retaliate defending yourself as you shift in your seat.
"Oh come on n/n, its abviuos that you like him. There's a puddle of drool on your shirt to prove it." He replies pointing to the water stain on your shirt.
The stains from your water bottle but you know Shane will just point out that you where staring.
"He likes you to y/n, he's the one who asked for you as security." Shane admits still wearing a grin.
"He what?" You ask surprised. He seemed so disappointed to see you show up earlier.
Shane nods his head then pats you on the back and leaves. Furious to know why AJ asked for you, you get up and walk over to the weight bar he's standing near.
"Hey, something wrong?" He asks setting down the bar and turning to you.
You take a deep breathe, you don't wanna come on strong and accuse him but you still want answers. Before you can ask a question AJ speaks.
"Look y/n I need to tell you something." He says looking at you softly.
"OK, what?" You reply curious to know what he wants to say.
"Truth is, I asked for you as security. I know Shane said he picked you but that's not true, I asked him to lie. I..i guess I just wanted some time to get to know you." He confesses looking you in the eyes the whole time.
You stand silent for a second, processing what you've just been told. AJ looks at you eagerly waiting for a reply to his confession.
"Yeah?" He replies hopeful.
"You wanna join me for dinner tonight?" You ask him with a smile.
A smile of his own spreads on his features, his crystal blue eyes shining in the gym lights.
"It be my honor." He chuckles lightly.

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