Chris Jericho

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"Man you leave for one world tour." Chris mumbled as he made his way through the all new arena hoplessly lost.

Today was the day Chris was making his WWE return, he had just finished his world tour with his band Fozzy a few weeks ago and was ready to get back into doing what he loved most, wrestling. With a sigh Chis wandered around the empty halls for a bit longer, he was just on the verge of giving up when he spotted a door at the end of the hall with a name stuck to it. Chris darted over to the door, y/n Zayn it read, he'd seen you in action a few times. He knocked twice on the door and waited for an answer.

You sat in your locker room and doodled down some random art on your drawing pad, today was a pretty slow day and smackdown didn't start for another hour or so. Suddenly a knock came at the door, you immediately found this weird. The only person that ever came to see you was your older brother Sami and he wouldn't knock, you got up and walked over to open the door. When you did you found Chris Jericho standing in the doorway, you knew he was due back today but why was he here?

"Hello Jericho, can I help you or something?" You ask the rockstar.

"Umm yeah , im kind of lost a bit. You think maybe you could at least point me in the right direction of Shane's office?" Chris asks you rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure, just let me grab my shoes you can come in if you want." You tell him walking back into your locker room.

Chris nods and  walks over to your table while you grab your shoes and jacket, while your busy putting them on he notices your doodle book. He picks it up and flips through a few pages.

"Hey these are good." Chis comments

You look up to see him holding the book and chuckle a bit, with your shoes now on you walk over and thank him.

"Yeah I do it for fun sometimes, so you said you needed to find Shane's office?" You ask confirming what chris said earlier.

"Yep." Chris replied.

You nodded and headed down the hall with Chris in tow, you two walked down the hall until your path was blocked by Maria and Mark Kanellis. You sighed and tapped Maria on the shoulder, you and her never got along well. Not to mention that fact that she and Mark both hated your brother.

"Can you move please Maria?" You ask in your nicest possible voice.

Maria turns around and has an offended look on her face, you brace yourself for trouble. If you know Maria you know she'll do anything  to make getting past her a hassle.

"Umm exuse me rude, cant you see im trying to talk to my husband Zayn?" She asks in a snarky tone.

"Sorry to bother you Maria, im just trying to get Chris here to the bosses office." You reply keeping your cool.

This time Mark cuts in ready to defend his wife, you mentally roll your eyes but stay cool as he steps in front of her.

"I believe you owe my wife and apology, god what is it with the Zayns and being rude to me and Maria." Mark asks

Your arm twitches, punching mark in the face seems like a good idea at the moment but you know it wont end well for you. You take a breath, your initial thought is to stay calm but you decide that telling them off seems like a better choice.

"Me rude, you to are the ones standing in the middle of the hallway sucking face like the fucking snobby sluts you are. Im just trying to get this lost man to shane's so for the love of god move your ass slut." You half yell directing the last comment to Maria.

Mark grabs Maria's arm and leaves in a huff, you can hear Maria whine about getting payback as they disappear. Now that the hall is clear you turn back to chris to apologize for the delay.

"Sorry about that, god those two need to be shut up." You sigh as you begin walking down the hall again.

"Yeah Marias always been annoying, I don't know how Mark puts up with her. Are'nt they the ones that have been attacking your brother Sami?"

"Yeah." You reply. "He's at home this week because of an attack last week."

Chris nods his head and you finally reach Shane's office, you drop him off and head back to your locker room. You have a match tonight against Dolph Ziggler so you need to get ready. When the time comes you walk down to the entrance and wait for your music to be playd, once it does you head out to the ring listening to the crowd cheer. Chris had shown up a bit before that.

Down at the ring your match with Dolph is short and sweet ending in a victory for you, your standing in the ring celebrating when Maria and Marks music hit, you watch as they both come down to the ring towards you. One of them you can take no problem, but both of them and you're in trouble. You get ready to fight Maria as Mark stalks behind you, you brace for a beating when someone else's music hits. Before you know it Chris Jericho is at your side, you give him a wide smile and luge at Maria while Chris takes Mark. It doesn't take much to send the couple running up the ramp, once their gone you and Chris stand in the ring victorious. When you both get backstage you thank him.

"Thanks for that Chris." You tell him as you wipe sweat from your face.

"No problem red, did you see the look on Mark and Marias face?" Chris replied grabing a water.

"Yes, priceless. We should do this again some time, with Sami gone im gonna need someone to watch my back. And im sure they'll be looking for revenge soon."

Chris chuckles and throws out a hand for you to shake, you shake his sweaty hand and giggle a bit. Once your both cooled off your met by Daniel Bryan.

"Hey Daniel." You greet the assistant GM.

"Hey y/n, chris. Just wanted to tell you two that you have a match against Maria and Mark next week." Daniel informed you both.

"Well it looks like we're partners then." Chris replies.

You nod your head and smile, it feels good to have someone looking after you.

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