Raw vs SmackDown

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After Daniel Bryan took some time off from being GM to be with his wife and daughter he appointed you to take his place, Shane liked this idea, you where always way more hardcore than Daniel. And with Survivor Series coming up your intensity was bound to be a good thing.

It first started out as a plan from Shane to take Raw down a few weeks before the paperweight for style points and an edge over your opponents but it soon turned into more when Curt Angle took to twitter to try and get the upper hand on you.

"Hey y/n, you seen Angles twitter lately?" AJ Styles asked you as you passes him on your way to your office.

"Oh yeah I've seen it, old mans been busy. Don't worry though Styles, i've got a plan to take him and the rest of the Raw roster down." You reply with a sly smile.

AJ mimics your expression and you turn the corner to your office, when you get there you find New Day and the Uso twins waiting for you.

"Come on in boys." You tell them as you unlock the door and head in. "What can i help you gentlemen with?" You ask them as you sit down and open your laptop.

"Just came to see when our match was." Jimmy quickly explains to you.

You nod and pull up the nights schedule next to a twitter tab and scroll down it.

"6:15 pm." You tell them and they head off through the door. "And what can i do for you three?" You ask the remaining men.

"We where wondering what you where gonna do about Angle on Twitter, and if we could maybe help?" Xavier tells you.

You nod and glance at the screen to see Angle had tweeted about you and the roster again, you smile and get to thinking.

"Maybe you boys can, come back later and i'll tell you what i have in store." You tell them.

They all nod and head off leaving you alone to come up with an idea for what to do. You decide to pull up the schedule for Raw and see what Angle had in store for his Monday show, it was mostly normal and boring stuff. You did see he's snagged Pete Dunne, the UK champion which ticked you off a bit since you had plans to grab him later in the month. Then you noticed his main event card, Cesaro and Sheamus vs his precious s SHIELD. Seeing this gave you an idea and you quickly called Shane up to discuss.

A few days went by and it was the night before Raw, you called Shane and The New Day to your office to pitch the plan to ruin Raw a week before Survivor Series. The first to arrive was the New Day.

"Ah welcome boys." You coo to them. "It'll just be a moment and we'll get started." You tell them with a devilish smile."

"Ooh i like this." Xavier smiles. "She's got that look in her eye."

"Yeah like she's planning something good for us." Kofi adds.

You smirk just as Shane knocks on the door and takes a seat next to Xavier, you nod and shut the door before taking a seat leaning against your desk.

"So I've called you all here tonight because I've got a plan." You start. "Now we've all seen Curt Angle calling me out on twitter and i say it's time to put an end to it. You all know how out last trip to Raw went dont you?" You ask

You  walk into the Raw building with a confident smile, most of the SmackDown roster follows behind you. Shane distracts Curt in the ring while you and the roster go through the back. You get a text from Shane saying he's out and it's time. You stop and turn to your army.

"Alright boys and girls it's time, time to show these Raw stars who the A team show is. Now are you ready?" You ask.

They all cheer and you nod before turning and leading them down to the ring, when you get out the music cuts and Curt is interrupted from a speech he's giving.

"Hey Angle!" You yell into the mic making him turn to the ramp. "Guess who's here?" You smirk as the rest of the roster shows up.

"y/n?" Curt asks as he looks at you and the roster.

"Yep, get him boys." You smirk as the roster flows around you ready to destroy the Raw roster.

The boys smile at your plan, they love it and Shane approves. You nod happy and send them on their way. The next night rolls around and you meet up with New Day outside the arena around 750.

"Hey y/n." Xavier waves at you.

"Hey woods, you guys ready?" You ask them.

They all nod and you four head inside. It's a breeze making it past the security and getting to a good spot in the arena, you smile as New Days music plays through the arena and you step out with them.

"Hey Angle, miss me?" You ask as you wait for him. "This is what happens when you run your mouth on twitter and cant back it up man." You smile as Xavier takes over.

It doesn't take long for Curt to come out with the Raw roster, as soon as you spot his son Jason Jordan run up the stairs you all book it out. You linger just long enough to here a bell ring and new tag champions being crowned.

"Good job boys." You smile.

Your plan worked to a tee, now all you have to do is bask in the glory of Survivor Series.

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