Chris Jericho

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You sat in your locker room with your headphones on, lights go out by fozzy rang in your ears as you blankly looked at the monitor. Bored you made sure no one could hear your music and walked out into the Hall, it wasn't hard for a person to tell you where a rocker. You wore a grey tank top and black jeans, you had a tatoo of birds on your neck and the word Judas tatooed on your wrist. In addition to this your strawberry blonde hair was steaked with purple and blue and your lip was pierced. Despite all this you had never let anyone know you listenes to Chris Jericho's music, he was always flirting with you. As you walked down the hall you passed the shield, the four of you where mutual friends.
"Hey what's up babe?" Dean asked flashing you a grin.
"Going down to the catering room, what do you want?" You reply taking out an earbud.
It was easy to see why Dean called every girl he met babe, he was super good looking and a badboy. Despite all this you didn't really like him, you wanted a man with serious Savage skills that could match yours. You might have not been the best fighter, but give you a mic and you'd roast everyone in the vicinity to tears. One of your favorite things to do was pick on Stephanie, she was always prone to your roast sessions when you had a mic. Chris Jericho also happed to share this hobby. When you got to catering the song switched to one crazed anarchist, one of your personal favorites. You grabbed a bottle of water and headed back out, unfortuniatly you bumped into Stephanie and hunter on your way out.
"Oh hunter, look who it is." Stephanie smiled.
"Hey wassup steph, didn't know you where working the corner tonight. I'll let the locker room know." You relied with a smile causing her to look at hunter. "Oh and hunter, be careful she might swipe your wallet when shes done."
Hunter and Stephanie shared a look, you where a girl so he couldnt hit you. You also happened to be a great and popular heel, so firing you was out of the equation. You smirked and pushed oassed the couple to get back to your locker, as you turned the corner you spotted Chris. He ran up and you quickly paused your music.
"Hey y/n there you are, hunter says me and you have a match tonight with him and steph." He informs you.
"Oh cool, see you then I guess." You reply with a small smile.
Your about to walk away when Chris grabs your arm to stop you, you turn to him.
"Hey listen, my locker room is kinda being used as a private room for Christian. You think I could come chill with you?" He asked with pleading eyes.
You looked at him and then down the hallway, you had a bunch of fozzy merch hidden in thr room. You couldn't say no and told him to follow you. Back in your locker room the two of you sat and hung out until the time was good for your match. You ran to grab your jacket, when you came back Chris was looking at your phone screen.
"Judas?" He queationed seeing one of his songs playing on the screen.
"Hmm, oh my phones on a rock station must have just come up." You say playing it cool.
Chris nods and walks to the door, before he goes out he asks for some eyedrops. You point to a drawer on your table forgetting all your merch, you realize its all in there when its to late.  Chris takes one look at the contents in the drawer and cracks a smile, he grabs the eyedrops and turns to you. A light pink blush dusts your cheeks as you follow him down the hallway in silence, it doesn't take long for him to comment.
"So you're a fan of me and the band?" He asks still smiling like an idiot.
"Y-yeah I've been a fan for a while, I mean you guys have some good songs." You explain happy to finally talk about your minor obsession with the band.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Chris asks as you both get near the ramp entrance.
"I don't really know, just embarrassed a bit,  I mean your always asking me out on dates and stuff. I thought it be awkward if you knew I was a fan." You explain as you stand at the ramp entrance and wait for your and chris's cue to go down to the ring.
Chris turns to you with a smile and leans against the wall, you shoot him a look and he flashes a smile. You direct your gaze to the floor as you blush a bit then back to him.
"So does this mean you'll finally say yes to a date?" Chris asked.
"I guess it does." You reply with a smile.
Chris flashes a grin and pulls you in for a quick side hug, as he lets go he hears his music start playing and looks at you to ensure that you're ready to go. You give him a nod and crack your neck for effect.
"Lets go roast ourselves a slut." You say as you and chris walk out to the ramp.

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