Chad Gable

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"Oh come on Gable." You groan looking at your friend shaking his head. "Learn to let loose."

"I'm telling you n/n it's a bad idea." Gable replies as he swivels in his chair.

"Well i'm doing it with or without you." You reply as you get to your feet.

You walk to the door and hear a sigh followed by a pair of feet behind you, you turn around to see Chad standing behind you.

"You know i'm not letting you do it alone." He replies as he motions for you to lead the way.

A devilish smile plays on your lips as you pump your fist in the air and drag Chad into the hallway. He follows close behind you with a slight hint if amusment playing in his lips. He honestly didnt know why he put up with you, he could easily walk away, but their was just something about your charm and charisma that kept him at your side.

"So where are we going exactly?" Chad finally asks as you pull him through the halls.

"We, are going to go steal The Uso twins ring gear and back up clothes. Mu uncle and dad used to do it all the time to other superstars." You smile recalling all the pranks and stupid stuff your dad Christian used to do.

"And just how are we going to do that?" Chad replies knowing he wont like the answer.

"Easy." You reply stopping down the hall from the twins locker room. "You're going to keep a look out while i slip in and grab the stuff, then we'll dump it somewhere." You explain as you glance down the hall.

Chad shakes his head knowing its a bad idea but goes along with it anyway, you smile and casually walk down the hall to the door with Chad in tow.

"Alright stay here and knock twice if you see them, i wont be long." You quickly tell him as you slip through the unlocked door.

Chad nods and leans against the wall with his phone and pretends to look at it, in reality his eyes flick from side to side looking for the twins. As soon as he see's one of them he sharply knocks twice on the door, you emerge and sling a bag casually over your shoulder.

"Quick put your arm over my shoulder and act natural." You order him as the twin nears.

Chad does as he's told and sets his arm on your shoulder, you place one of your arms around his torso and begin to walk away. The twin doesn't notice a thing and you turn the corner then let go of Gable.

"See that was a breeze." You smile as you return your hand to your side. "And i managed to swipe all their clothes." You say as you shake the bag on your shoulder.

"I guess it was kinda fun." Chad replies running the back if his neck. "Be funnier when they miss their match tonight." He smiles.

You nod and giggle a bit, the two of you head back to your locker room making sure to drop the bag in a dumpster nearbye.

Later that night you and Chad are on your way to the catering room when you hear a sharp "HEY!". You both turn around to see the Uso twins angrily heading your way.

"Looks like they caught us." You smirk as you nudge Chad.

You both dart down the hall with the twins hot on your tail, both of you dodge and weave through the halls and vault over Fandango and Tyler Breeze as they block your path.

"They're gonna catch up." You yell to Chad as you turn a corner. "What do we do?" You panic a bit.

You cant take them and as much as you'd like to believe it Chad couldnt take both of them alone. You glance at Chad with panic in your eyes as the two of you run, Chad all of a sudden speeds up ahead of you and disappears.

"Chad?!" You yell as you turn the corner.

All of a sudden the door to a supply closet opens up and an arm yanks you in, you stumble into the closet with a gasp as your smashed against a body and a hand covers your mouth.

"Where'd they go?" You here outside the door.

"Damn. Come on Uce lets go check the west hall." Another replies.

You remian dead silent as footsteps outside fade, the hand over your mouth is removed and you go to slap the body agianst your senseless when the light above clicks on.

"Chad?!" You ask in suprise as the lights illuminates his smile.

"Hey babe." He smirks.

"I thought you ditched me." You reply punching his arm.

"Ouch." He groans. "I'd never do that, i just needed to find a place for us to hide." He explains.

"Oh so you pick the smallest place possible?" You reply looking up at him still pressed against him in the small closet.

"Oh admit it n/n you like being this close to me." Gable smirks wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up Gable." You reply as you press your lips to his.

"Now this is seven minutes in heaven." He smirks as he breaks the kiss.

You punch his arm lightly again and giggle as you kiss his lips again and open the door.


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