Pete Dunne

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"Thanks daddy." You kiss your father on the cheek after convincing him to give you a match for the night against Paige.

"No problem princess." Kurt replies gladly accepting the kiss from his beloved daughter. All of a sudden Kurt's mood changes as your boyfriend walks through the door to come see you. "Oh sweetie look who's here." He rolls his eyes.

You turn around to see Pete standing in the door looking at you with a smile.

"Pete." You grin as you leave your father's side for Pete. "What are you doing here?" You ask him as he pulls you into a hug. "Oh and thanks dad see you later." You tell Kurt as you pull Pete out the door.

"What I'm not allowed to come see my favorite girl?" Pete asks as you both step into the hall.

"Not when my dads around, you do know he hates your guts right?" You remind him. Kurt was never on board with you dating Pete, he just flat out didn't like him.

"Oh yeah he loathes me totally, but it's gonna take more than some dirty looks to keep me away from my baby girl." Pete replies as his arm snakes around you.

"Ahh dork." You giggle. "I've got a match with Paige later tonight, wanna stay and watch?" You ask him as you walk side by side.

"Wouldn't miss it, I was planning on talking to TJ Perkins later anyway." Pete nods always happy to watch you compete.

"Yay." You cheer slightly. "Well id better go get ready for my match, wish me luck babe." You tell Pete as you kiss his cheek.

"You don't need it." Pete replies as you walk off.

You head to the locker room to change clothes and spot Paige talking to Alexa Bliss on your way there. You found this a bit strange considering Alexa and Paige usually didn't get along, this also alarmed you a bit for where Alexa was so was her boy toy Sheamus. You shook it off and went to change.

"Hey y/n." Bailey greets you as you walk into the locker room. "You have a match?" She asks you

"Yeah." You reply as you sit down in front of you locker. "Against Paige, wanna back me up?" You ask her just in case.

"Yeah sure no problem, hey I saw Pete earlier he here for you?" She asks you.

"Yeah he just wanted to see me, bugs the hell outta my dad though." You grin.

"I can see why, my dad kinda freaked when I brought home Elias to." Bailey replies as she sits next to you.

"Ah so you two are a thing, I knew it." You reply thinking something was up with those two.

"Yeah he might seem all tough but he's a big softy at heart." Bailey dreamily explains.

"Ha same with Pete man, all talk but a big dork at heart." You smile agreeing with her.

After you change you head down to the ring with Bailey for support, when you get down to the ring you notice not only is Paige with Alexa but also Sheamus. This worries you a bit but you ignore it and focus on your match. The bell rings and your match starts.

The match lasts for a good amount of time and you have a few close calls with Alexa, luckily for you Bailey is there to back you up. You finally pin Paige and get the win, but you freak when you see Sheamus heading your way. You're about to make a b line for the ramp when someone runs past you in a blur and stops in front of Sheamus blocking his path.

"Pete?" You ask as he stands guarding you. All of a sudden Cesaro joins Sheamus and another person joins Pete.

"Elias?" Bailey asks as she joins you.

It's a standoff as the four men stare each other down, you and Bailey turn your attention to Paige and Alexa. Then you here your dads music play and turn around.

"Alright that's enough, if you boys wanna get into it let's save it for the ring." Kurt tells them. "Sheamus and Cesaro with Alexa Bliss and Paige VS Pete Dunne Elias y/n and Bailey right now." He announces.

You and Bailey drag Elias and Pete to you corner respectively and get ready for the match.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue babe." You side hug Pete.

"No sweat babe, now let's show these guys what happens when they mess with our girl eh Elias?" Pete asks the other male as he hugs Bailey.

"Yeah they need to be taught a lesson in manners." Elias smiles.

"Well Bailey I guess having boyfriends can come in handy." You smirk at Bailey as Pete steps into the ring.

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