Baron Corbin

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"Come on Ruby, we've got work to do." You smirk as you walk into the arena.

Daniel Bryan had finally made a smart move and brought you and your partner in crime Ruby Riot to SmackDown Live and you and Ruby intended to make the most of it.

"So whats the plan Cage?" Ruby asks as she follows next to you.

"I say we go pummel a few of the girls here, maybe Naomi or that Irish chick Becky." You suggest as you crack your knuckles.

"Ha sounds like a plan." Ruby smirks.

You and Ruby make your way down the halls and look for any woman you can beat up, on the way you run into someone you'd thought you'd gotten rid of in NXT.

"y/n Cage, is that you?" You hear a familiar voice ask.

"Baron Corbin?" You reply. "I though Daniel Bryan had standards for his WWE talent."

"Ha nice to see you to Cage, what brings you and your little trash girlfriend here?" Corbin chuckles.

"He actually did something smart and called us up." Ruby snarks back.

"Thats not what i'd call it but sure. Good to see you two, especially you Cage." Baron winks at you as he leaves.

You fake gag and watch as he turns the corner, when he's gone Ruby bumps your side and smiles as you.

"Look like he's still crushing hard n/n." She teases.

"Yeah well he can crush all he wants, its not going to happen." You reply as you scrunch your face in disgust.

"Mhm sure." Ruby replies as she bounces on her heels. "I'm not an idiot Cage, i know you've got a thing for him."

"Alright you wanna talk about crushes." You reply as you look at her. "Last i heard the object of your undying obsession is here." You smirk.

"Who?" Ruby replies innocently.

"Bobby Roode." You smile knowing that she's got a huge crush on him.

"Pfft no." Ruby scoffs.

"Mhm." You reply.

You and Ruby continue through the hall until you happen upon the makeup room and spot Naomi sitting in a chair, a perfect opportunity to show off on your first night there.

"You go first and when she runs out i'll grab her." You tell Ruby as you crouch down.

Ruby nods and steps in the room, you giggle at the sound of Naomi yelling and grab her as she tries to sprint out of the room. You throw her to the floor and begin kicking her.

"Guess who's here to weed out the weak." You yell as you kick her with Ruby at your side.

"Yeah let all those other girls know there are some new leaders in this division." Ruby spits as she to kicks Naomi.

After you feel good about what you've done you call Ruby and leave the scene of the crime, Naomi lays on the floor in pain as the two of you walk off. Now it's time to find another victim for the night.

A bit later Daniel calls in Baron Corbin and Bobby Roode, the only superstars not booked for a match that night into his office.

"We're here Daniel." Bobby announces as him and Baron step into the room.

"Yeah what do you want?" Corbin asks.

"Ah there you two are, listen i need you to do something for me. I called up Ruby Riot and her partner y/n Cage tonight and they've been taking out woman on the roster all night. I need you two to go round them up and bring them here." Daniel explains.

Baron and Bobby nod, they are about to leave when Daniel stops them.

"Oh and watch your backs, something tells me they wont go down without a fight." Daniel warns them.

You and Ruby walk down the hallway smiling, in the last hour you'd both taken out Naomi , Becky Lynch , Carmella , and Tamina.

"So who's next Ruby?" You ask.

"Maybe Lana." Ruby replies with a smirk

"Or maybe you two could come with us?" You both here a voice.

You look in front of you and see Baron Corbin and Bobby Roode blocking the hallway.

"Sorry ladies but Daniel would like to see you two in his office." Bobby tells you two.

"And what makes you think we'll come with you?" You snap back at them

You look at Ruby to see her simply walk over to Bobby to talk, you shoot her a look.

"Oh come on y/n, we've caused enough trouble for today. Plus it seems like going to see Daniel comes with perks." Ruby Smiles as Bobby throws an arm around her.

"Yeah maybe for you." You mumble as you give up.

Corbin smirks and goes to put an arm around you but you swat it away and walk at his side instead.

"Fine be a hostile brat." Corbin sneers.

"I will." You reply.

The men walk you and Ruby down to Daniels office and push the two of you inside, Daniel jumps to his feet when the door opens.

"Ah thank you guys, i'm gonna have you stay for a bit though." Daniel tells them as they both go to leave. Ruby Riot and y/n Cage, good to have you girls here even though you've been attacking half the women's roster." Daniel smiles at you. "I've got some news for you girls, you'll be staying in your little tag team for now, but if you want to keep it this way you're going to have to work with my new tag team." Daniel smiles.

"What new tag team?" Bobby asks.

"I'm putting you and Corbin together for now." Daniel tells them both. "That will be all for now, you can all go."

You and Ruby look at eachother and giggle, Corbin and Roode look at each other in mutual understanding even though they exactly get along. You all step out into the hall and Ruby turns to Bobby.

"So we're going out for dinner and you and Corbin are both coming." Ruby tells you.

"Yep double date for all four of us." Bobby replies as he throws his arm around Ruby again.

"Ohh this should be fun." You reply sarcastically.

Corbin smiles and puts his arm around you, you allow it to happen but warn him.

"Try anything and i'll break your arm." You warn him.

"I can deal with that." Corbin replies with a smirk.

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