Elias Sampson

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You stood backstage and paced back and forth, you had a match in a few minutes and it couldn't come sooner.

"Woah." You hear a voice chuckle. "Where's the fire babe?" You turn and see Elias walking your way.

"Nowhere." You tell him with a smile. "Just really hyped up for a match is all." You tell him.

"Alright well calm down a bit, save some of that energy for the match." He sets a hand on your shoulder to get you to stop moving so much. You not and hold still for a moment.

"Shouldn't you be hanging with Bailey?" You ask him, you know he's got a mix match challenge match after the show goes off air.

"Yeah." Elias replies annoyed. "That's where I came from." He rolls his eyes. "Babe I know she's a good friend of yours but she's kind of annoying." He tells you.

"So what." You reply looking at him. "She's my best friend so you're going to be nice to her." You scold Elias just as a stagehand arrives.

"Y/n, it's a go for you." He tells you as he points to the stage.

"Well that's me." You nod. "Just give her a chance babe." You tell Elias as you jog off to meet your cue.

Elias rolls his eyes when your out of sight and heads back to Baileys locker room, he was going to put up with her for the sake of his chances in the challenge and to make sure you weren't mad at him.

"Hey Bailey." He knocks on the door when he gets there. "Bailey come on open up." He knocks again when no one answers.

Silence from the other side of the door concerns him a bit, she seemed fine when he left her earlier.

"Bailey?" He knocks one more time. This time the door creaks open and Bailey steps through the door.

"Sorry about that." She smiles widely now in ring gear. "I was changing for our match later." Elias nods and steps inside the locker room.

"Yeah it's fine, so what's the game plan for tonight?" He asks as he turns to Bailey.

"Well we do our best for starters." She grins. "Then hopefully we'll win." Elias looks at her and silently sighs, she was going to be a handful.

"Ok that's good, but what about actual strategy?" He asks with a serious tone.

"That is real strategy." Bailey replies still smiling wide.

Elias runs a hand over his face and sighs, he then stands and walks to the door.

"I'm gonna go change." He tells Bailey as he walks off as fast as he can.

"Oh. Alright." Bailey yells at him as he leaves. "See you later then."

After your match with Sasha Banks you decide to see how Bailey and elias are doing, when you get to her locker room you find her alone.

"Hey Bailey." You smile at her. "Where's Elias?" You ask for you don't see him anywhere in the room.

"I don't think your boyfriend likes me y/n." Bailey tells you. "He doesn't seem very interested in what I've got to say." She frowns a bit.

You pull your friend into a hug and curse under your breath.

"Don't worry about it Bailey." You assure her. "He's just not used to your personality is all. I'll set him straight don't worry."  You Pat her back.

Bailey nods and you get up to go find your rude boyfriend. Sure enough you find him getting ready for his match, he sees you and goes in for a hug. You deny him this and slide to the left.

"No I'm angry at you." You tell him.

"Angry?" Elias replies confused. "What did I do?" He asks you. You look at him, he should know what he did.

"The fact that you can't think of anything you did wrong just makes it worse and me more pissed at you." You tell him. He sighs heavily and thinks for a moment.

"Is this about Bailey?" He asks after thinking for a moment. You turn and nod sharply at him. "Babe I tried I really did, she's a cool girl but she's just way to happy." He explains to you. "And to be fair I didn't say anything rude." He tells you.

You look at your pleading boyfriend and sigh, the look he's giving you, you can't resist it.

"Fine." You half pout. "But you need to try a little harder at being nice to Bailey, she wants to win just as much as you do." You tell him as he pulls you into a hug.

"You know you're cute when you get angry at me." He smirks as he ruffles your hair. You swat him away anset him go.

"Go out there and win for me." You tell him. "And be nice to her." You remind him.

He nods and heads out to the ring, you nod at Bailey as she passes you.
Down in the ring Elias and Bailey group up for a game plan.

"Alright so I can take care of Jey if you got Naomi." He glances over at their opponents.

"That's fair, I can try to keep her from paying attention to a tag." She nods. The bell rings and the match starts.

Fast forward around half and hour and you bounce around as elias and Bailey walk backstage.

"We won." Bailey squeals.

"Yess. I'm proud of both of you." You hug both of them. "Especially you, you stubborn ass." You kiss Elias's cheek.

"Well with a reward like that I might have to be nice more often." He jokes, you smack his arm lightly and go to celebrate.

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