Finn Balor

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You sat on the floor sitting crisscross on a baby blanket, your brother had asked if you'd watch his daughter for a few days. Him being your only family and the fact that you felt bad about his wife dying while giving birth to the baby you accepted, now you where sat in your home watching a 14 month old baby play with a plastic bottle of rice.
"God your cute, what am I gonna do with you Lil cutie?" You asked the baby as she smiled up at you and giggled.
You where about to let her play when the doorbell rang, with a sigh you heaved the baby up in your arms and walked to the door. When you opened it up with Kimberly in your arms you found your boyfriend Finn at the door, he looked at you then the baby and smiled wide.
"N/n, when where you gonna tell me I was a dad?" He teased as he walked in.
"Haha funny, this is kimberly. She's b/n daughter." You explain bouncing the baby in your arms.
Kimberly giggled as you did and Finn couldn't help but smile, he walked over and waved at her. Kimberly giggled and reached out for him, you gently handed her over to your boyfriend.
"Ah she likes you, that's cute." You coo glad the heavy baby isn't in your tired arms.
"Well aren't you just the cutest thing, hello there little kimberly." Finn spoke to the baby in a cute voice.
You smiled and walked into the kitchen, when you came back with a glass of water for yourself and a sippy cup of apple juice for the baby you saw finn had set her down and was playing with her.
"Don't go and get attached now, we're not keeping it." You teased him.
"Ahh why not?" Finn fake whined.
"Maybe you should focus on putting a ring on my finger before making me carry a child for the better half of a year." You reply handing Kim her sippy cup.
Finn stands up and joins you on the couch with a tight hug, you sigh and push him off In fear of contracting broken ribs.
"Easy there tiger, don't break me in half." You tell him
He grins in your shoulder and sighs deeply, you smell like pine needles as usual but with a faint hint of baby powder. You finally pry him off and go to take a shower, trusting him to watch the baby for a bit. When you return Finn is sitting on the floor playing with Kimberly and her stuffed bear.
"Go on take it." He cooes as he holds out the bear.
You giggle a bit causing Finn to jump a bit, you smile and pick up Kim. As you do she yawns and smiles up at you, you shake your head and walk her to her crib.
"Night munchkin." You tell her as you tuck her in.
When you walk back into the living room Finn is sitting on the couch with his phone in hand, you walk over and plop down next to him in silence. After a while you stretch and turn to face him.
"I never knew you where so good with kids." You tell him obviously impressed.
"I used to babysit my cousins all the time when they where babies." Finn replied setting down his phone.
"You know not to be weird or anything but chicks do dig a guy that can handle kids." You tell him with a smirk.
"Of it that so? Does that mean your into me?" He teases.
You smile and lean into his body, you can feel the heat radiating off him as usual.
"Maybe so." You reply with a smirk.

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