Pete Dunne

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"Hey there pretty lady." Enzo smirks as he slides up next to you.

"Can I help you Enzo?" You reply as you take a bite of your sandwich.

"Ohh I think I could think of a fee things." Enzo muses.

You almost choke on your food as he says this, god he's annoying. You swallow and turn to face him.

"As tempting as that offer is, I've got places to be." You tell him as you grab your water bottle and walk off.

"Oh come on babe." Enzo calls after you. "Get yourself a taste of a champion." He yells after you.

You scoff and keep on walking, on your way out of the locker room you run into someone.

"Hey watch it." You scold them.

"I could say the same about you princess." The voice replies.

You instantly regonize the voice to belong to current UK champion Pete Dunne and look up.

"Pete?" You ask looking at him.

"Y/n?" He replies.

You and Pete had been good friends for a while now, you'd helped him get entered into the UK tournament about a year ago.

"Pete it's good to see you. You got called up?" You ask as you hug him.

"Yeah I did, and it's good to see you to. I'd hoped I'd run into you." Pete replies.

You nod and are about to reply when you here Enzo calling your name from down the Hall, you roll your eyes and sigh turn glance that way.

"Whos that?" Pete asks seeing your annoyed.

"That would be Enzo Amore, aka a pain in the ass." You reply as the blonde reaches you.

"Hey y/n baby you walked off to soon. We didn't get to talk about our date." Enzo smirks.

"That's because we don't have one, I've got a boyfriend." You reply.

"Oh yeah?" Zo replies "who?"

"You happen to be looking at him." You smile hoping Pete Will go along with it.

"Yeah she's my girl so back off you little troll." Pete growls as he grabs your hand.

Enzo waves his hands and walks off not wanting a fight, when he's gone Pete let's you go.

"Thanks Dunne." You smile.

"No problem, but now you do owe me a date." He smirks.

"Oh do I now?" You reply.

You had always had a thing for the champion ever since the two of you met around a year ago. You just never got around to telling him how you felt. You and Pete part ways for the night for work but agree to meet up after his match with Enzo later.

"Hey Curt." You smile as you walk up to the GM of Raw.

"Hey y/n, what brings you here." Angle replies.

"I've got a date with Dunne after his match." You explain as you watch the monitor in front of you.

"Oh yeah? I though you and Enzo where a thing?" He replies.

"Ha he wishes." You shake your head.

Curt nods and the two of you watch the match, all goes well and Pete easily beats Enzo. It's after the match that worries you, and sure enough Pete his headed back up the ramp when Enzo attacks him. Curt is quick to send men down to separate, you also go down to help.

"Hey break it up you two." Curt yells to them.

"Pete he's not worth it." You yell to him from a safe distance.

"Yeah Dunne listen to your slut of a girlfriend." Enzo replies.

You watch as Pete basically beat the smaller man into the arena floor before you walk over and pull him off.

"Alright tiger." You smirk. "I think he gets the idea." You tell him as you grab his arm and pull him up.

"Oh he deserves much more." Pete spits as he eyes Enzo laying on the floor.

"Mhm." You almost giggle as you drag him off.  "You know beating up a champion isn't exactly making a good impression to the boss."

"Eh, oh well." Pete replies.

"Ha. Well thanks anyway Pete. You ready for that date now?" You ask him.

"Yeah I'm ready." Pete smirks as he throws an arm over your shoulder.

You smile and walk out with past Enzo being treated for a cut above his eye.

"Hey Enzo." You call to him.

As soon as he looks at you you grab Pete by the collar of his shirt and kusd him.

"You where right. Champion does taste great." You smirk.

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