Jason Jordan

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"Yes i'll see you later tonight, i'm just meeting an old friend at the gym then i'm heading straight to the arena." You reassure your boyfriend.

"Alright just be careful, i'll see you later tonight. Love you." Jason replies as he hangs up the phone.

You shake your head and pocket your phone just as you get to the gym, you walk in easily see your best friend since you where a kid Mark Andrews. You run over and hug him tightly.

"Mark it's good to see you finally." You shreek as he engulfs you in a hug.

"It's good to see you to y/n, heard you and Jason Jordan started dating a while ago. He treating you right? Do i need to kick his ass?" Mark asks you immediately going into protective older brother mode.

"Yes Mark he treats me just fine, i was just talking to him on the phone a few minutes ago." You say as you pat the blonde on the back.

"Alright just making sure, he ever hurts you i'll kill him." He nods with a smile.

You giggle and follow Mark into the gym for a workout. After a few hours you both part ways.

"Well it was nice hanging out man, hey tell Dunne i said hey and congrats on getting that 205 contract as well as you." You tell him as you give him one last hug.

"Sure things n/n, and hey remember what i said about Jordan." Mark reminds you.

"Yes." You giggle. "He's a good guy Mark." You reassure him.

Mark nods and heads to his car and you do the same, it around a half hour drive to the arena is being filmed tonight and you enjoy the silence. When you get to the arena you head in and go straight to the locker room of Jason Jordan. On your way you run into Jason's dad Curt Angle.

"Hey there she is." He smiles as he see's you. "My future daughter in law." He beams.

"Hey Angle, Jason in his locker room?" You ask giving the GM a side hug.

"Yeah he's getting ready for his match with Bray later tonight, you should go see him." Curt suggests.

"That's the plan." You reply as you start to head down the hall.

Sure enough you come to Jason's locker room and knock twice on the door.

"Who is it?" You hear Jason's voice answer.

"Some one special, i'm coming in." You announce as you turn the doorknob and push inside the room.

You scan the room to see Jason gone, as you go to close it behind you a pair of arms grab you by the waist and kick the door closed.

"Oh no a kidnapper, whatever will i do?" You tease.

"Give me a kiss and maybe i'll let you go." Jason replies as he lightly squeezes you.

"Hmm no deal." You giggle as you begin to challenge his hold on you.

You barely manage to loosen his grip when he spins you around to face him, you giggle and place your hands on his shoulders.

"Well on second thought." You giggle. "You might just be handsomest kidnapper I've ever seen."

"Is that right?" Jason smirks.

You nod and kiss his lips then wiggle from his grip and sit down in a chair, Jason chuckles and sits down to fix his boots.

"So how was the gym?" He finally asks you.

"Fine, it was good to see Mark again." You reply with a smile.

"That's good, Curt tell you i have a match with Bray tonight? And you wanna come?" He asks.

"Yeah he told me, but i think i'll just chill backstage and watch this time." You reply.

"As long as you're watching i'll definitely win tonight, you're my lucky charm after all." Jason reminds you.

You giggle and shake your head, the dork had always claimed you where the lucky charm that let him win matches. You of course denied it but Jason always insisted that you watch so he could win and you always did. The time came and you walked down to the arena with him, you stopped at the back and let him walk down the ramp and joined Curt in the next room.

"Hey y/n." Curt greets you again.

"Hey Angle." you smile as you join his side.

The match begins and all is going well until you see Jason get hit by Bray in his recently bad knee, you watch as he stumbles and falls down in pain. Curt reacts immediately and runs to the ramp with you at his side, you speed past him and down the ramp to Jason's side.

"Jason are you alright?" You ask as you help the ref help him backstage.

"Y-yeah babe i'm fine. Ouch." He yelps in pain.

You and the ref get him out of harms way and set him down so a medic can look at him, they bring a pack of ice and you stay by his side.

"It'll be fine babe." You smile keeping calm for him. "You'll be fine."

A few minutes later Curt shows up and looks like he has news, something you feared when Jason got hurt.

"Jason." Curt speaks softly. "You're hurt son, i'm gonna have to cut you from the team." He explains.

You can see the hurt in your boyfriends eyes as he's given the news, you rub his back and look at Curt.

"Dad no come on i'll be fine by Sunday." Jason begs.

You know that's not true, Curt needed his men at 100% and Jason just wasn't going to be at that.

"Jason i need my men at their best, i'm sorry." Curt tells him.

"It's for the best Jason." You add as you hold his hand.

Curt walks off and the two of you sit in silence, you rub his hand with yours and let his knee feel better a bit.

"I can do this babe, just help me to the ramp." Jason tells you as he moves to get up.

"Jason wait." You say as you try to stop him.

Before you say anything or stop him he cups your face with his hands making you look him in the eyes.

"Hey listen to me y/n, i know i can do this alright. You just have to trust me on this babe." He tells you with puppy dog eyes.

"Alright." You nod slightly.

Jason smiles and kisses you before letting go and walking off, you stray behind for a bit then walk into the next room where a TV sits. You see Jason standing in the ring talking to his dad, you listen to them talk and Jason convince him to let him stay. When he gets backstage you walk over and hug him then get called over by Curt.

"I'm sorry y/n." He tells you. "Just promise to keep an eye on him alright?" He asks you.

"No problem Curt, i'll make sure he's good for Sunday." You nod.

Curt nods and you walk back over to Jason, he seems to be walking better now which is a good sign.

"So you wanna go get some dinner?" You ask as you slide up next to him.

"Hmm. I was thinking maybe we go back to the hotel and eat some pizza." Jason suggests.

"See this is why i love you." You tease as you kiss him on the cheek.

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