Kenny Omega

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"You know you can be a real ass sometimes." You grab at the jacket Kenny holds above your reach.

"Yeah I know, but you just look so cute when you struggle." Kenny chuckles as he watches you jump for the jacket.

You groan and jump up again only to come up short, in a last effort that you know won't end well you deliver a sharp kick to Kenny's shin.

"Ouch hey." He complains as he drops the jacket. "God you're mean."

"You wouldn't give me my jacket back. " You defend yourself.

"So that gives you the right to kick me?" Kenny asks rubbing his shin, you roll your eyes and put your jacket on.

"Yes it does." You nod. The door opens and your cousin steps through the door.

"Hey Sabre your cousin is mean." Kenny complains.

"You're just now figuring that out?" Zack replies. "Try living with her."

"Hey I'm a delight." You reply with a smile. Both men rolls their eyes as they gather their things. "You to read to go?" You ask them.

The fair was in town and you three had gotten the day off for once to go see it. So you'd packed up your cousin and your best friend and was dragging them to a night of fun at the fair while you had the chance.

"Yeah." Zack nods as he stands by you.

"I guess." Kenny also nods. You smile and head out the door with them trailing behind you.

When you get to the fair people are just starting to file in, you grin and hand over some money for an entrance fee and pull Kenny along with you.

"What have you done with my 27 year old best friend." He asks as you pull him along.

"Oh shut up Kenny." You shake your head. "You are one of the most childish people I know so I wouldn't talk." You remind him.

"True." He nods not denying it. "But at least I'm not running around the fair like a child." You stop and turn to look at him.

"Can you maybe try and have a good time with me?" You ask him. "Think of it like a date. What would you do first?" You ask him. Kenny smiles and looks at you.

"Well of this was a date, then first i'd blow some money winning you some stupid stuffed animal." He tells you with a smile. You look around at the booths and spot one that has a bunch of soft looking teddy bears hanging up.

"That one." You point to the booth. Kenny looks at it and nods. "Hey man give me a ball." He calls to the guy standing in the booth as he forks out a few dollars.

"Sure thing bro." The guy nods as he trades the money for a ball. Kenny stands at the booth and throws the ball, it knocks down all the pins in one try.

"Ha, uh give me the grey one." He points to one of the bears, the guy forks it over and Kenny presents it to you. "Your prize my fair maiden." He hands you the bear.

"Haha." You giggle as you take the bear. "Thanks. And see this is fun." You point out.

"Yeah I guess." Kenny shrugs his shoulders. "All though I'm usually more enthused when I'm working for a reward." He slyly teases.

"Oh yeah?" You reply with a hand on your hip. "Like what?"

"Well." Kenny drags out with a smile. "This is a date so I was thinking maybe a kiss?" He grins.

You smirk and shake your head. "Maybe. I'm not an easy on to please." You tell him.

"Hmm sounds like a challenge. Well them prepare to go on what will single handedly be the best date you've been on." He tells you. You giggle and nod being the one to be dragged off this time.

The first place he takes you is the mirror Hall and haunted house since its October.

"Here we go." He says as you step inside. "Feel free to stay close if you get scared." He teases you. You both weave through the house, you only get spooked by a clown that pops out at the end.

"Ah shit." You gasp as he pops out making you jump back into Kenny.

"Woah there I'll protect you." Kenny jokes. You punch his arm and continue on.

The next place you go is the cyclone, you love being spun around at high speeds, Kenny not so much. But it was an excuse to accidentally be pushed into you on the ride, so it was fair to say he was game.

"Ooh I love this ride." You bounce as you take a seat. "It was my favorite when I was a kid."

"Yeah that makes sense." Kenny mumbles as he sits down next to you. The ride starts up and begins spinning. You look over at Kenny and see that he's having a wonderful time.

You grab his hand and pull it in the air, laughing as he looks at you like your a crazy person. When the ride is over you both step off with you still laughing.

"Oh man that was good." You giggle. "You should have seen your face." Kenny rolls his eyes and you both live on.

To close off the night Kenny insists on being cliche and doing the Ferris wheel last, you were never really a fan but agreed anyway. You both get on a seat and wait for it to start, it slowly trains upward and then as if fate had something to do with it stopped at the top.

"Oh god." You comment. "Talk about cliche, please if you pull out a ring or say something cheesy I'm jumping." You joke as you look at your date.

"Alright." Kenny shrugs. "I have a better idea anyway." He smirks.

Before you can ask what the idea is he pulls you into a kiss, one that you swore earlier that he wasn't getting. But now it didn't seem like a bad idea after all, even if it was cliche. When the ride finally ends Zack is waiting at the bottom.

"Well well well." He smiles. "Drag me here, then ditch me, then make out with my cousin in the most cliche way possible. You're pushing it Omega." He shakes his finger at the both of you

"Yeah but it was worth it." You both reply.

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