Chad Gable

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You sprinted down the hall avoiding the Uso twin on your tail, you may have interrupted his match and cost him a title opportunity and now he was angry. Turning the corner you could here the chain on his pants rattle as he ran after you. You spotted a door being closed to a locker room and dove in landing on the floor as it closed not caring who's it was. As you went to stand up off the surprisingly clean floor you heard a voice.

"What the hell?" The voice asked as you stood up.

"Oh hey Gable, sorry about that. Uso twin was kind of on my ass." You explain seeing that youd entered the locker room of the newly single wrestler Chad Gable.

"Its fine, what did you do to him?" Gable asked waving you off, now that Jason was gone he'd kill for some company.

"Kind of cost him a title match, but in my defense i was heading down to talk to Saxton not ruin his match. That was just a bonus." You defend yourself taking a seat on a bench.

"You where always one to get into trouble." Chad chuckles recalling the countless times you'd messed with superstars.

"Thanks for letting me stay Gable but I've gotta skip, nice talking to you though." You tell the Olympic medalists as you get up and walk to the door.

"Always a pleasure y/n, feel free to hide out here anytime." Chad jokes as you slide out of the door.

"Dont tempt me Gable." You tease back as you close the door.

Once you're sure the coast is clear you head back to your own locker room. 'poor chad' you think to yourself, 'without Jordan he's basically worthless here'. You feel bad for Chad, he's a nice guy and frankly kind of cute. As you reach your locker room you get an idea.

The next day you show up to the stadium and make your way down the hall in search of one Chad Gable, after a bit of wandering around you find him heading down to the gym.

"Hey Gable." You call to him.

Chad stops and waves waiting for you to catch up, when you do he gives you a smile and you both begin walking down the hall.

"Hey y/n, whats up?" Chad asks looking at you as he walks.

"Heading to the gym, i'm looking for a partner in crime to assist me in my micheif. Interested in the job?" You ask as you both walk in the gym doors.

A smile pokes at the corners of Chad's lips, you can tell he has an interest in your offer. You both walk over to some weight benches and you offer to spot for him.

"I dont know, arent their other people who would suit that better than me?" Chad finally replies unsure he's fit to be a trouble maker.

"I dont see why not? You're a good athlete and look like you could come up with some good idea's. Not to mention troublemakers like us are always getting ourselves into matches." You explain.

Chad nods his head as he lifts the weight bar with quite an amount of weight set on it, you watch closes just in case he needs any help. He doesn't, the bar is easily lifted high then back down and repeated by Gable. You never really noticed how ripped he was, you had to admit it was kind of hot.

"You really think i could cause trouble like you do?" Chad asks again not sure if he can do what you do.

"hm." You smirk looking down at him. "Stick with me and i'll make you the most annoying and popular person you've ever met Gable." You tell him

He smiles and sits up placing the bar back into the holders, you switch with him and take some of the weights off. Sure you're strong for a girl, but not that strong. Gable watches you and ponders his answer.

"Whats in it for you?" He finally asks wondering what you get out of this partnership.

"I get someone to watch my back, and a new cute and strong partner." You reply lifting the weight above you then back down to your chest.

"You think i'm cute?" Chad asks looking down at you.

"Maybe." You reply with a smirk. "So are you in or not, because i have plans." 

"You know what, fuck it. Yeah i'm in." Chad announces nodding his head in excitement.

You put the bar back and sit up high fiving chad, after a bit more time at the gym you both go grab some lunch.

"So who should we start with, after all your trouble making has to start somewhere doesn't it?" You ask chad taking a sip of a strawberry milkshake.

"Yesterday you where running from the Uso twins, wanna start there? They deserve it after all." Chad suggests picking up his sandwich.

"Good thinking, i say we make sure the New Day win that match tonight. After all they deserve those belts more then those to morons do." You agree.

Chad nods his head and takes a bite from his food, you take a sip from the creamy milkshake and catch Chad looking at you as he chews his food.

"I have milkshake on my face?" You ask reaching for a napkin.

"What? Oh no sorry i just kind of spaced for a second." Chad lied.

Truth was he was watching you drink from that straw, the way your red lips contrasted against the yellow straw. And how your eyes lit up like a little kids.

"Oh its fine, so what do you wanna do for the next.... hour and a half?" You ask looking at your phone screen.

"Umm we could just chill in my locker room." Chad replies

You nod and you both head out, you go to pay but Chad stops you and insists he pays instead. You argue but he's persistent and ends up paying all of it.

"Thanks Gable, almost like a date." You tease.

"Kind of, except if it was we'd share that milkshake." Chad replies smiling.

"Mnn no, i dont share my milkshakes Gable." You reply giggling.

Chad rolls his eyes playfully, maybe this was a date. By the time you get down the street and are almost to the arena rain starts to fall down, Chad immediately strips his jacket and hands it to you on account you're only wearing a tanktop.

"Oh thanks Chad, you didnt have to do that though." You tell him pulling the sweater over your head.

The scent of him still lingers on it, like a mix of sweat and colongbut in a good way. You get back to the arena and head down the hall to the locker rooms. On the way you both run into the Uso twins.

"Hey Jay, looks like Gable got himself a girl." Jimmy teases pointing to you.

"Yeah he did, better watch out though. She's a no good brat." Jay smirks.

"Ooh i'm so scared, why dont you to go see your wives. Oh wait, sorry Jay." You reply.

You can see the smile on Chad's face as both twins looks at you angrily, you know that at least if they wanna fight you have back up.

"Well we'd love to stay and chat but me and the new beau have places to be." You state grabbing Chad by the arm and walking him past the fuming twins.

When you get to Chads locker room you let go of his arm and shut the door behind you.

"Well now when we cost them a match tonight it'll be way more fun." You admit turning around to face Chad.

"New beau? So that was a date?" Chad teases you raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe it was." You wink at him playfully. "I mean I've already stolen a hoody from you."

"Well then it was a good date, even though i didn't get any milkshake." Chad pouts playfully.

You walk over and kiss him on the lips quickly, the taste of milkshake still lingers on your lips. Chad smirks widely and shakes his head.

"Best tasting milkshake I've ever had." He chuckles.

You both laugh and you strip the hoodie of four body to get ready to ruin the twins day, especially because it's with your new boyfriend.

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