TJ Perkins

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"Well hello y/n." Enzo smirks as he blocks your way in Hall.

"What do you want Enzo?" You ask him with a hand on your hip. Enzo smirks and licks his lips.

"Oh I think we both know what I want." He grins as he looks you up and down.

"What part of taken don't you understand?" You reply for probably the millionth time. Enzo had a bad habits of forgetting you had a boyfriend already.

"The part where your boyfriend is a low tier jobber babe, girl like you deserves a champion." He flashes his purple title at you, you roll your eyes.

"Maybe I do, know any?" You ask him, he smirks liking your fire. "Enzo I've got places to be so do you mind?" You ask as you push past him.

"Can't avoid me forever." Enzo calls to you as you leave his view.

"No but I sure as hell can try." You yell back to him. When you finally are free form his prying eyes you sigh and get back to work. "Drake?" You knock on the door of the new GM.

"Come in." You here. You walk in the door and close it behind you, inside sits the new GM of 205 live, Drake Maverick.

You sit down in a chair and hand him a few papers from a folder in your bag, he grabs a pen and looks at one of them.

"It's just some finalizing papers for the WrestleMania match you made for later this year." You explain to him. "Oh and you've got a meeting with the board tomorrow at 7, it be good for you to be a bit early." You remind him. He nods and signs a few papers and hands them back to you.

"Y/n doll you are a gift, honestly I'd be lost without you." Drake compliments you as he stands up. "Walk with me." He tells you as he steps outside.

"Ok." You reply as you step out with him. You both step into the Hall and Drake pulls you along with him. "Y/n I wanted to talk to you about our current champion." He tells you, you roll your eyes in response. "I'm thinking it's time for the title to change hands and would like your opinion on who it should go to." He tells you.

"Oh." You with thinking the convo was going to go another way. "Well I think we both know who I'd like to get it." You joke.

"Yes well we can't just give it to Perkins because your dating him." Drake chuckles. "Anyone else in mind? " He asks you. Your mind sweeps over the entire roster of 205 competitors, they are all good candidates in your book.

"Drew Gulak has been doing a swell job keeping Enzo busy, plus the crowd seems to love him." You tell Drake. "Then again." You stop remembering something. "If we could get Tyler Bate from NXT he'd make a fine champion." You remember seeing Tyler in a match with Pete Dunne a few weeks ago.

"Well they all sound swell, and you're recommending them so I'm sure they're fine. That's all I need you for tonight love, take care." He dismisses you from his side. You nod and head off back to TJs locker room.

On your way there just down the Hall you run back into Enzo, and this time he's got Ariya Daivari in tow. You bite the inside of your lip hoping he'll just pass you.

"Well look who it is Davari." Enzo smirks as he spots you. "Come crawling back princess?" He snickers.

"Actually I'm headed to my boyfriends locker room. You know what a boyfriend is right? I mean you've got to, why else would Davari follow you around so much?" You smirk with false confidence.

"See." Enzo chuckles. "This is why I love you." He muses. "Such a fiery little thing." He comments as he takes a step to you.

All of a sudden you hear a door slam shut and heavy footsteps down the Hall.

"Lay a hand on her and your head Amore." It growls. You look past the short champion to see your savoir coming your way, and he looks pissed.

"Welp looks like you'll be going now won't you Enzo?" You ask as TJ gets closer. Enzo goes to scram but TJ gets to him first and slams him against a wall.

"I even so much as think you have a thought about her i'll pummel you into the fucking floor." He spits at Enzo as Davari looks on in fear. "Got it?"

You watch as Enzo nods desperate to be put down, sometimes you forgot your boyfriend could be so alpha male. TJ sets Enzo down and he goes scrambling off with Davari already gone ahead of him.

"My knight in shining armor." You giggle as TJ doesn't hesitate to pull you into a hug followed by a kiss. "God maybe Enzo should come back." You joke. "Your hot when you get all alpha male." You tease him.

"No one touches my girl." TJ reminds you. "Now I assume you were heading to my locker?" He asked called down  now.

"You would be correct, and I've got some news for you." You nod as you both begin walking back to his locker room. "You just might be in the running for a new title run." You spill excitedly.

Tj looks at you with a grin and you walk into the locker room.

"No." He shakes his head.

"Yeah." You grin. "Me and Drake are looking for a new champ and your a candidate." You tell him barely able to hold back a happy grin.

"That's dope as hell." TJ replies as he suddenly grabs you and spins you around.

"Haha." You giggle. "I take it your excited?" You ask him.

"God I love you." He breathes in response.

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