Marty Scurll

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You knew it was a bad idea from the start, anything involving that sell out was a bad idea. But Kenny being Kenny took the match anyway, so alpha vs omega was set in stone. You Renner the last thing you'd said to Kenny before he left.

"Go kick his big bro." You'd told him followed by a kiss for good luck.

Now you stood by the ramp watching as your big brother was carried out on a stretcher, he'd won the match like you knew he would. But Chris had attacked him with a crow bar afterwards, the only thing keeping you from doing the same was Marty keeping you in place.

"That fuckers going  to pay for this, i swear it." You growl as Marty's hand keeps you glued to his side.

"Hey don't worry babe we'll take care of it." Nick pats you on the back. "Marty take to the hospital with Kenny will ya?" He asks.

Marty nods and keeps his hold on you as he walks to the parking lot where the ambulance pulls out with your brother. Once you get to the car your anger fades and is replaced by worry.

"Oh god Marty." You barely whisper. Marty sees you and places a hand on your leg.

"Hey don't sweat it, Kenny will be fine  sure of it. And nick and Matt will take care of Chris." He assures you. You find his voice soothing as he drives to the hospital.

When you get there you sprint to the front desk and look at the girl.

"I'm here for Kenny Omega?" You as her.

"He's currently getting a rib fixed you can wait there, what's your relationship?" The girl asks.

"I'm his sister y/n l/n." You tell her as marty finally catches up to you. The girl nods and you take a seat with Marty at your side. "God Marty I hope he's alright."

Marty pats your head and soothes you as you both look at the door, you sigh heavily not being very good at waiting. After a while you sit up I'm your chair anxious as to why your brother is taking so long.

"Marty what of something's wrong with him, why is is taking so long? Maybe I should go ask, should I?" You start asking questions as you stand to your feet.

"Woah there darling." Marty smiles a bit as he pulls you back down into a chair. "Hey listen he'll be fine but you need to calm down a bit." He tells you so you won't make a scene. You nod knowing he's right and lean your head on his shoulder.

"What would I do without you Marty?" You ask him mainly as a joke.

"Well." Marty replies in an attempt to make light of the situation. "For starts murder Chris Jericho, then probably end up fighting a nurse when she makes you wait." He jokes about your impatient manner.

"Hey I was kidding." You playfully hit his leg. This earns a chuckle from him as you settle in your chair to wait again.

Soon enough you end up dozing off for a bit, you haven't slept much the night before and was exhausted. Marty just sat in his chair and glanced at the TV screen in the corner of the room once in a while playing some random TV show as you slept on his shoulder. After around an hour or so a nurse walks up to him.

"Your girlfriends brother is ready to see her now, he's in room 284." She tells Marty with a smile. Marty cracks a grin at the word boyfriend, he never really thought about it that way.

"Hey y/n wake up." He lightly shakes you awake.

"Hmm?" You ask as you sit up and rub your eyes. "What's the matter?" You ask Marty?

"Kennys ready to see you now babe, come on." He pulls you up and leads you down the hallway to the room.

You jump at the sight of your brother, he looks fine with the exception of some tape on his torso and some bruises.

"Oh thank god you're alright." You happily squeal as you lightly hug him.

"What you thought otherwise?" Kenny replies cocky as usual. "That old timer can't keep me down for long." He smirks. "Hey y/n can you have a nurse grab me an extra pillow please?" He asks you.

You nod happy to help and leave the room for moment. As soon as you're gone Kenny turns to Marty with a straight face.

"So Matt tells me you have a thing for my baby sister, that true?" He asks the brit.

"Y-yeah. She's a kick ass girl and I really love her company." Marty nods slightly afraid of the man sitting in front of him.

"Well I talked to Matt a bit ago and he said that you managed to keep her from beating Chris's face in, and you drove her here and stayed with her. So man go ahead, but if you hurt her.
" Kenny warns just as you walk back in the room.

"Here you go." You hand kenny the pillow and turn to Marty quickly. "And thank you for staying with me." You hug him tightly. "I'll have to figure out a way to make it up to you."

"Don't sweat it babe." Marty nods. He already had a good idea of how you could repay him.

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